To reduce the need for auxiliary recursive predicates, ECLiPSe allows the use of an iteration construct
( IterationSpecs do Goals )
Typical applications are: Iteration over a list
?- ( foreach(X,[1,2,3]) do writeln(X) ) 1 2 3 Yes (0.00s cpu)
Process all elements of one list and construct another:
?- ( foreach(X,[1,2,3]), foreach(Y,List) do Y is X+3 ). List = [4, 5, 6] Yes (0.00s cpu)
Process a list to compute the sum of its elements:
?- ( foreach(X,[1,2,3]), fromto(0,In,Out,Sum) do Out is In+X ). Sum = 6 Yes (0.00s cpu)
Note that the variables X, Y, In and Out are local variables in the loop, while the input list and Sum are shared with the context.
If a parameter remains constant across all loop iterations it must be specified explicitly (via param), for example when iterating over an array:
?- Array = [](4,3,6,7,8), ( for(I,1,5), fromto(0,In,Out,Sum), param(Array) do Out is In + Array[I] ).
- fromto(First,In,Out,Last)
iterate Goals starting with In=First until Out=Last.- foreach(X,List)
iterate Goals with X ranging over all elements of List.- foreacharg(X,StructOrArray)
iterate Goals with X ranging over all arguments of StructOrArray.- foreacharg(X,StructOrArray,Idx)
same as before, but Idx is set to the argument position of X in StructOrArray.- foreachelem(X,Array)
like foreacharg/2, but iterates over all elements of an array of arbitrary dimension.- foreachelem(X,Array,Idx)
same as before, but Idx is set to the index position of X in Array.- foreachindex(Idx,Array)
like foreachelem/3, but returns just the index position and not the element.- for(I,MinExpr,MaxExpr)
iterate Goals with I ranging over integers from MinExpr to MaxExpr.- for(I,MinExpr,MaxExpr,Increment)
same as before, but Increment can be specified (it defaults to 1).- multifor(List,MinList,MaxList)
like for/3, but allows iteration over multiple indices (saves writing nested loops).- multifor(List,MinList,MaxList,IncrementList)
same as before, but IncrementList can be specified (i.e. how much to increment each element of List by).- count(I,Min,Max)
iterate Goals with I ranging over integers from Min up to Max.- param(Var1,Var2,...)
for declaring variables in Goals global, i.e. shared with the context.
Figure 4.1: Iteration Specifiers for Loops