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Library to support implementation of visualisation clients   [more]


No description available
viewable_changeable_execute(++ViewableName, ++ElementSpec, ?Goal, ++Solver)
Works as viewable_element_execute/3, but replaces the element spec with the changeable value as returned from the given Solver instead.
viewable_create(?, ?)
No description available
viewable_create(?, ?, ?)
No description available
viewable_create(?, ?, ?, ?)
No description available
viewable_element(++ViewableName, ++IndexList, ?ViewableElement)
Index a viewable element inside a viewable.
viewable_element_execute(++ViewableName, ++ElementSpec, ?Goal)
Execute a goal for a viewable element inside a viewable.
viewable_element_to_string(?ViewableElement, -String)
Convert a variable or term to a nice string.
viewable_expand(?, ?, ?)
No description available
viewable_expand(?, ?, ?, ?)
No description available
viewable_get_location_name(?, ?, ?, ?)
No description available
viewable_get_location_names(?, ?, ?)
No description available
viewable_size(?, ?)
No description available
viewable_type(?, ?)
No description available
No description available
vis_client_interest_modify(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
No description available
vis_client_register(?, ?, ?, ?)
No description available
No description available
No description available


This library should be used if you intend to implement a new visualisation client. It should not be used for anything else.

Viewables are made up of viewable elements. A particular viewable element can accessed using viewable_element/3.


Generated from vc_support.eci on 2022-09-03 14:26