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cs_create(-CS, ++Options)

Create an empty constraint set
Constraint set (output)
List of options


Create an empty constraint set. No options are currently supported. A constraint set is an abstract data structure which should only be accessed through the cs_xxx group of predicates. Its purpose is to group constraints together and organise access to these constraints based on their violatedness counts.

Modes and Determinism


    ?- cs_create(CS, []).
    CS = constraint_set(Violations{0 -> 0}, [])
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

See Also

:~ / 2, cs_clear_all / 1, cs_clear_satisfied / 1, cs_violations / 2, cs_current_violations / 2, cs_random_worst / 2, cs_all_worst / 2, cs_all_violated / 2, cs_random_violated / 2, cs_all / 2