Plots the given data to screen using the supplied options.
Can either be a list or a nested list of a 1D or 2D array of y values or x-y points.
The options correspond directly to the options of the gnuplot 'plot' command.
Syntax note: wherever gnuplot expects a string as an option value, use a double-quoted ECLiPSe string - unquoted or single-quoted atoms will not work!.
% x-y pairs with 'points' ?- A=[1-3,5-2,9-2,8-2,5-7], plot(A, [with:points]). % y values with large 'smooth' lines and points ?- A=[1,2,3,4,8,9,4,2,4,6], plot(A, [smooth: csplines, with:linespoints, pointsize:3]). % multiple y values in nested lists with lines, boxes and titles ?- A=[[1,2,4,9,18,27,3],[1,4,16,36,25,16,9]], plot(A, [with:[lines, boxes], title:['data 1', 'data 2']]). % multiple y values in an array, in a certain range, with impulses of % different widths ?- A=[]([](1,2,4,6,7,8,9),[](1,4,16,36,49,64,81)), plot(A, [ranges:(3:6), with:impulses, linewidth:[8,2]]). % multiple t-r pairs, in polar coordinates with a grid and lines ?- A=[[1-3,5-2,9-2,8-2,5-7], [1-2,5-4,8-6,9-1,12-4]], plot(A,[set:[polar, grid=polar], with:lines]).