The xset/3 predicate invokes one of the methods, the set-method. The intended meaning is that a field of the external data structure (indicated by Index) is set to the given Value. This setting qualifies as a side-effect (similar to writing to a file) and is not undone on backtracking. The details of how the index is interpreted and which values are allowed depend on the set-method supplied by external code.
/* C code with embedded ECLiPSe call, passing data via C ararys */ #include "eclipse.h" #define N 5 double data_in[N] = {1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5}; double data_out[N]; main() { pword call; int i; ec_init(); ec_post_string("[my_code]"); ec_post_goal( ec_term(ec_did("process", 3), ec_long(N), ec_handle(&ec_xt_double_arr, (t_ext_ptr) data_in), ec_handle(&ec_xt_double_arr, (t_ext_ptr) data_out) ) ); if (ec_resume() == PSUCCEED) { for (i=0; i<N; i++) printf("%f,", data_out[i]); } ec_cleanup(); } /* ECLiPSe code in file */ process(0, _, _) :- !. process(N, In, Out) :- N1 is N-1, xget(In, N1, X), Y is sqrt(X), xset(Out, N1, Y), process(N1, In, Out). /* Sample run */ % main 1.048809,1.483240,1.816590,2.097618,2.345208,