The xget/3 predicate invokes one of the methods, the get-method. The intended meaning is that it gets a field of the external data structure (indicated by Index) and unifies it with Value. The details of how the index is interpreted and how the field's value is converted to an ECLiPSe term is dependent on the get-method supplied by external code.
/* C code with embedded ECLiPSe call, passing data via C ararys */ #include "eclipse.h" #define N 5 double data_in[N] = {1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5}; double data_out[N]; main() { pword call; int i; ec_init(); ec_post_string("[my_code]"); ec_post_goal( ec_term(ec_did("process", 3), ec_long(N), ec_handle(&ec_xt_double_arr, (t_ext_ptr) data_in), ec_handle(&ec_xt_double_arr, (t_ext_ptr) data_out) ) ); if (ec_resume() == PSUCCEED) { for (i=0; i<N; i++) printf("%f,", data_out[i]); } ec_cleanup(); } /* ECLiPSe code in file */ process(0, _, _) :- !. process(N, In, Out) :- N1 is N-1, xget(In, N1, X), Y is sqrt(X), xset(Out, N1, Y), process(N1, In, Out). /* Sample run */ % main 1.048809,1.483240,1.816590,2.097618,2.345208,