Appendix C Core Predicates
This section lists essential ECLiPSe built-in and library predicates. These predicates are used in most applications, and should be well understood. There are more than 1000 other built-in and library predicates which are required for specific tasks only.
C.1 Modules
module directive
- define a module
- export directive
- make predicates available outside a module
- use_module directive
- make predicates from other module available
- lib directive
- make predicates from library available
- :
- call a predicate from a particular module
C.2 Predicate definition
mode directive
- define input/output modes for a predicate
- comment directive
- define comments about a module or a predicate
C.3 Control
- conjunction, and
- ;
- disjunction, or
- ->
- implication, if-then-else together with disjunction
- !
- cut, remove choices
- call/1
- call argument as a predicate call
- once/1
- call argument as a predicate call, find one solution only
- not/1
- negation, fail if call to argument succeeds
- true/0
- always succeed, empty predicate definition
- block/3
- define a block in order to catch exceptions
- exit_block/1
- jump out of a block
C.3.1 Do Loops
- general iteration operator
- foreach
- iterate over each element in a list
- foreacharg
- iterate over each argument of a term
- fromto
- accumulator argument
- for
- iterate over all integers between two bounds
- param
- declare parameter variables which are passed into the do-loop
C.4 I/O
- succeeds if a file exists
- open/3
- open a file or a string as a stream
- close/1
- close a stream
- write/2
- write some term to a stream
- nl/1
- write a new-line to a stream
- writeln/2
- write a term to a stream, followed by a new-line
- writeq/2
- write a term in canoncial form, so that if can be read back
- read/2
- read a term from a stream
- read_string/4
- read a string from a stream
- concat_string/2
- build a string from a list of components
- phrase/3
- call DCG analyzer
- read_exdr/2
- read a term from a file in EXDR format
- write_exdr/2
- write a term to a file in EXDR format
- flush/1
- flush an output stream
C.5 Arrays
- define an array; can also be used to find size of an array
- subscript/3
- get an element of an array
C.6 Hash Tables
- create a hash table
- hash_add/3
- add an item to a hash table
- hash_find/3
- find if an item is in a hash table
C.7 Arithmetic
- evaluate term
- =:= /2
- evaluate two terms and compare for equality
- =\= /2
- evaluate two terms and compare for disequality
- >/2
- evaluate two terms and compare for inequality
- >= /2
- evaluate two terms and compare for inequality
- </2
- evaluate two terms and compare for inequality
- =</2
- evaluate two terms and compare for inequality
C.8 Terms and structures
- define named structure
- with
- access element(s) in named structure
- of
- find argument position in named structure
- functor/3
- define/analyze term for functor and arity
- arg/3
- access argument of term
- compare/3
- compare two terms for lexicographical order
- = /2
- two terms can be unified
- == /2
- two terms are identical
- \= /2
- two terms cannot be unified
- number/1
- argument is a number
- integer/1
- argument is an integer
- atom/1
- argument is an atom
- var/1
- argument is a variable
- string/1
- argument is a string
- real/1
- argument is a float
- compound/1
- argument is a term
C.9 List Handling
- sort a list
- memberchk/2
- check if an item occurs in a list
- length/2
- find the length of a list or create a list with given length
- findall/3
- find all solutions to a query and return a list of all answers