AirPlanner, 2.1
- API, 2.3
- accumulator, 5.13, C.3.1
- action, 5.2
- alternative, 5.2
- application interfaces, 2.3
- application structure, 2.1
- arg/3, C.8
- argument checking, 4.2
- array, 3.2.6, 5.5, C.5
- atom/1, C.8
- atomic data types, 3.2.1
- backbone_line, 2.3
- bagof, 5.14
- batch processing, 2.1
- best and rest, 5.10
- best practice, 1.1, 8.3
- block comment, B.6
- block/3, C.3
- braces, 6.2
- CHIC-II, 1.2
- call pattern, 2.7.3
- call/1, C.3
- cartesian, 5.16
- change data, 3.2
- choice point, 5.12
- choicepoint, 8.4.1
- clause, B.2
- close/1, C.4
- combinatorial problems, 8.1
- combine, 5.8
- combine_traffic/2, 5.8
- comma separated files, 6.3.3
- comment, B.6
- comment directive, 2.7, A.1, B.6, C.2
- comment, module, 2.7.1
- comment, predicate, 2.7.1
- compare/3, C.8
- compare_index_interface/3, 5.12
- compound/1, C.8
- concat_string/2, C.4
- conjunction, C.3
- constraint variables, 3.2.2
- constraints, 2.3
- convert_to_router_mib/3, 5.6
- correctness, 8, 8.1
- coverage, 4.4, 8.2
- create terms, 5.4
- create_contribution/5, 5.16
- creep, 7.3.1
- cut, 5.2, 5.7, A.1, C.3
- DCG, 3.1, 6.2, C.4
- data base, 6.3.3
- data flow graph, 2.4.3
- data format, 6.4
- data structures, 3.2
- data transformation, 2.4.2
- dead code, A.1
- debugger, 7.3
- definite clause grammar, 3.1, 6.2
- delete data, 3.2
- destructive assignment, 3.2
- difference, 5.12
- dim, 3.2.6, 5.5
- dim/2, C.5
- directives section, 2.7.1
- disjunction, A.1, C.3
- disjunction, formatting, B.4
- do loop, 5.3, C.3.1
- do loop, formatting, B.5
- document, 2.7.4
- duplicate entries, 5.8
- EXDR, C.4, C.4
- EXIT, 8.4.1
- eclipse_date, 6.2
- else, 7.1.3
- end of line, 6.2
- environment limit, 7.1.2
- error, 7
- error message, 4.5, 7.1.1
- error, run time, 7.1.1
- error_checking, 4.2
- exists/1, C.4
- exit_block/1, C.3
- export, 2.5.1
- export directive, C.1
- export struct, 3.2.1
- external data, 3.1
- FORTRAN, 6.4
- fact, 3.1
- facts, 5.14
- failure, 7.1, 7.1.3
- failure loop, A.1
- file name, A.1
- fill matrix, 5.15
- fill_rest_with_empty/2, 5.5
- fill_with_hops/3, 5.15
- filter, 5.7
- find_interface/3, 3.2.7
- findall, 5.14
- findall/3, C.9
- fixed column format, 6.4
- flow_prepare_data, 2.5
- flow_structures, 3.2.1
- flush/1, C.4
- for, 5.5, C.3.1
- foreach, 5.3, 5.6, C.3.1
- foreach, multiple, 5.3
- foreacharg, 5.4, C.3.1
- foreacharg, nested, 5.5
- formal parameter, 5.3
- format, 6.3.3
- format, fixed column, 6.4
- fromto, 5.7, C.3.1
- fullstop, 6.1
- functor/3, C.8
- gather_hops/1, 5.14
- ground, 2.7.3
- ground terms, 6.3.1
- group, 5.13
- group term, 5.3
- guard, 5.2
- HTML, 2.7.1, 6.5
- hash tables, 3.2.5
- hash_add/3, C.6
- hash_create/1, C.6
- hash_find/3, C.6
- if then else, 7.1.3, A.1, C.3
- if then else, formatting, B.3
- implication, C.3
- indentation, B.1
- initial value, 5.11
- inline, 5.3
- inline comment, B.6
- input arguments, 2.2
- insert_topology/2, 5.12
- insert_topology_op/5, 5.12
- instantiated, 2.7.3
- integer/1, C.8
- interface_mib_add/3, 5.4
- interface_type/3, 5.2
- internal data, 3.2
- invocation number, 7.3.2
- is/2, C.7
- iteration, array, 5.5
- iteration, list, 5.3
- iteration, term, 5.4
- Java, 2.1, 2.3
- jump, 7.3.2
- key, 3.2.5
- LSCO, 2.4.1
- large scale combinatorial optimization, 2.4.1
- leap, 7.3.1
- length/2, C.9
- lib, 2.5.2
- lib directive, C.1
| - library, 2.5.2
- line comment, B.6
- line coverage, 4.4
- line profiling, 8.2
- list, 3.2.4, 5.3
- list, construction, 5.6
- local struct, 3.2.1
- logging, 7.2
- lookup, 5.12, 5.14
- loop, 5.3, 5.5
- loop body, empty, 5.6
- main memory, 2.4.2
- matrix, fill, 5.15
- member/2, A.1
- memberchk/2, A.1, C.9
- memory, 7.1.2
- merge, 5.12
- meta predicate, 5.14
- methodology, 1.2
- minimum, 5.9
- missing answer, 7.1.5
- missing predicate, 4.5
- mode declaration, 2.7.3, 5.6
- mode directive, C.2
- mode_group/3, 5.13
- module, 2.5
- module comment, 2.7.1
- module directive, C.1
- module name, 2.6.1
- module qualification, B.1
- multi representation, 3.2.7
- NDI mapper, 2.1, 2.4.2, 6.2
- name space, 2.5.1
- name, module, 2.6.1
- name, predicate, 2.6.2
- name, variable, 2.6.3
- named structure, 3.2.1, A.1
- naming scheme, 2.6
- navigation, 6.5
- negation, C.3
- nested structure, 3.2.3
- nl/1, C.4
- no, 7.1.3
- non consecutive clauses, 5.2
- non terminal symbol, 6.2
- non_zero_measurements/2, 5.11
- not/1, C.3
- number/1, C.8
- numeric constants, A.1
- Overflow, 7.1.2
- of, C.8
- once/1, C.3
- open/3, 7.1.1, C.4
- operator definition, 6.3.1
- ordered pairs, 5.17
- output arguments, 2.2
- output files, 6.3
- Prolog term, 3.1
- pairs, ordered, 5.17
- param, 5.3, C.3.1
- parse tree, 6.2
- performance, 8
- performance testing, 8.1
- phrase, 6.2, 6.2
- phrase/3, C.4
- placeholder variables, 3.2.2
- predicate, B.2
- predicate comment, 2.7.1
- predicate name, 2.6.2, A.1
- prepare_data/12, 2.5.1
- print_depth, 7.2
- printf, 6.3.3
- profiler, 4.4
- profiling, 8.2
- programming concept, 5.1
- propagation rules, 7.1.5
- query, 2.2
- RiskWise, 2.1, 3.2.7
- RouterTrafficSample, 6.2
- rapid prototyping, 1.2
- read data, 6.1
- read/2, C.4
- read_exdr/2, C.4
- read_file, 6.2
- read_string/4, 6.2, C.4
- read_token, 6.2
- real/1, C.8
- recursion, 5.3
- reference manual, 2.7.1
- regression testing, 8.1
- remove data, 3.2
- report, 6.5
- reviewing, 8.3
- run time error, 7.1.1
- scanf, 6.3.2
- selected_customer/3, 5.7
- selected_min_max/2, 5.7
- set_flag, 7.2
- set_group_of_interfaces/2, 5.3
- setof, 5.14
- single assignment, 3.2
- singleton, A.1
- singleton variable, 2.6.3, 4.5, 5.3
- skip, 7.3.1
- sort/2/4, C.9
- spreadsheet, 6.3.3
- spy point, 7.3.1
- start symbol, 6.2
- string/1, C.8
- struct, 3.2.1
- struct/1, C.8
- structure, 3.2.4
- structure, named, 3.2.1
- structure, nested, 3.2.3
- stubs, 4.1
- subscript, 3.2.6
- subscript/3, C.5
- sum, 5.11
- symbol, non terminal, 6.2
- symbol, terminal, 6.2
- To Invoc, 7.3.2
- tab separated files, 6.3.3
- tabular format, 6.3.2
- team composition, 1.2
- terminal symbol, 6.2
- test data, 4.3
- testing, 4.3, 8.1
- tokenizer, 6.2
- top, 2.6.2
- tracer, 7.3
- transformation, 5.6
- true, 5.6, 5.16, 7.1.3
- true/0, C.3
- try_to_combine/3, 5.8
- tuning, 4.3
- type error, 7.1.1
- type mismatch, 7.1.1
- underscore, 2.6.3
- unwanted choicepoint, 8.4.1
- use_module, 2.5.2, 3.2.1
- use_module directive, C.1
- user defined predicate, 7.1.3
- var/1, C.8
- variable name, 2.6.3, A.1
- vector, 3.2.6, 5.4
- vector addition, 5.4
- vector_add/3, 5.4
- warning messages, 4.5
- with, 3.2.1, C.8
- write, 6.3.2
- write/2, C.4
- write_exdr/2, C.4
- writeln/2, C.4
- writeq, 6.3.1
- writeq/2, C.4
- wrong answer, 7.1.4