Build /
BuildSee also
Building core system on LinuxRequired packages on a Ubuntu/Debian Linux: gcc g++ libgmp-dev tcl8.6-dev (at least 8.3) tk8.6-dev (at least 8.3) Optional/RecommendedFor the GLPK interface (lib(eplex_glpk)) libglpk40 libglpk-dev For java-related functionality: default-jdk To make the tests work, set JRE_HOME=/usr For the GAP-based symmetry breaking library (lib(gap), lib(sym_expr), gap-core For lib(dbi): mysql or libmaria-dev-compat For lib(graphviz): graphviz For lib(gnuplot): gnuplot Building the documentationRequired packages on a Ubuntu Linux. For making pdf manuals: texlive-base texlive-extra-utils texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-font-utils texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-recommended texlive-pstricks texlive-science For the html versions: hevea imagemagick Optional In 2021, there is a hevea/ghostscript incompatibility. Manually edit hevea's /usr/bin/imagen changing
Also, to be consistent with what we use for pdf, change