Third-party libraries for ECLiPSe

Visual Studio Code extension for ECLiPSe (Sep 2017)

Arthur Wang has created an ECLiPSe extension for Microsoft's Visual Studio Code editor. Available at github.

Python Interface (released Sep 2012)

Oreste Bernardi provides a Python module that interfaces to ECLiPSe. It is available under BSD license at The functionality corresponds to that of the C interface, and in addition takes advantage of Python's weak typing and garbage collection. Installation is simply via pip install pyclp, after installing ECLiPSe 7 and setting ECLIPSEDIR (verified in 2025).

PHP Interface (released Nov 2011)

Andrea Montemaggio has released under BSD license his implementation of a communication layer between PHP and ECliPSe-CLP (aka php-eclipseclp). The project is on Google Code ( ) so you can download it and browse the source code, in the hope this might be useful. All comments, suggestions and proposals are welcome.

Editors with ECLiPSe support

 Use this  emacs eclipse mode. Copy the eclipse.el file to where your emacs can find it and add  this to your .emacs.
Vile (vi like emacs)
 Add the syntax coloring filter ecl-filt.l and add this to your .vilerc (works also for Prolog).
 Use this eclipse.syn file.

Constraint Solvers

Path Traversal Conditions solver
by Chris Meudec. Path Traversal Conditions (PTCs) are symbolic conditions expressed in terms of the inputs only that must be satisfied to reach a given path in a piece of code. The PTC Solver can solve such constraints and generate solutions for the variables involved. Thus the PTC Solver can be used in the areas of program analysis, symbolic execution, testing, etc.
Minisat Interface
A port of the Minisat interface by Codish, Lagoon and Stuckey - Download here.
Ruben Viegas has contributed GRASPER, a constraint solver over graphs. It is distributed as lib(grasper) with recent builds of ECLiPSe 5.10 (as part of the eclipse_misc package). A background paper is here.

Francisco Azevedo's Cardinal set solver is packaged with ECLiPSe 5.7#60 and newer.

Christian Holzbaur's clp(Q,R) constraint solver: Download, Manual.

Saros - Integration of ECLiPSe with the Eclipse IDE

This was initially released in 2007 [source code], looking for a maintainer.


Paulo Moura's Logtalk system, an object-oriented extension to Prolog.

Prolog Classics

The PRESS Prolog Equation Solving System: Download, Paper by Sterling, Bundy, Byrd, O'Keefe and Silver.

Database Interfaces

ECLiPSe 5.10 and later includes the MySQL interface lib(dbi). Earlier contributions are:

Visual Basic Interface

An interface for embedding ECLiPSe into Visual Basic applictions. This code used to be in the ECLiPSe distribution but can no longer be maintained by ECLiPSe team itself. We are looking for volunteers to take it over! 


The parcPLAN temporal planning system.


ECLiPSe graphical interface ProTcXl.


Graphical Constraints EnvironmentGrace.


Libraries for development of RoboCup simulation league clients. Contains a C/C++ library and a library for ECLiPSe.


A Prolog-based 'make' tool ( README, download v1.1, papers ) by Thilo Kielmann