The constraint logic programming scheme, written CLP(X), is a generic
extension of
logic programming to compute over any given constraint store.
Logic programming over a constraint store has all the advantages of
traditional logic programming, plus many further advantages for
high-level modelling and efficient evaluation.
If the constraint store holds primitive constraints from the class
X, logic programming over this constraint store is termed CLP(X).
In this section we shall use a particular class of primitive
constraints, linear equations and inequations, termed , to
illustrate the scheme.
We shall use an example from
(Colmerauer, 90) to illustrate how it works.
Given the definition of a meal as consisting of an appetiser, a main meal and a dessert, and given a database of foods and their calorific values, we wish to construct light meals i.e. meals whose total calorific value does not exceed 10.
A program for solving this problem is shown in figure
Figure 1: The Lightmeal Program in
A program is syntactically a collection of
clauses which are either rules or facts.
Rules are as in logic programming, with the addition that they can
include constraints, such as
, in their bodies.
The intermediate results of the execution of this program will be
descibed as computation states.
Each such state comprises two components, the constraint store, and
the remaining goals to be solved.
We shall represent such a state as Store @ Goals
programs are executed by reducing the goals using
the program clauses. Consider the query
asks for any way of putting together a light meal.
The initial state has an empty constraint store and one goal:
@ lightmeal(X,Y,Z)
This goal is reduced using the clause whose head matches the goal.
The goal is then replaced by the body of the clause, adding any
constraints to the constraint store:
X=A,Y=M,Z=D, I+J+K =< 10, I>=0, J>=0, K>=0 @ appetiser(A,I), main(M,J), dessert(D,K)
The execution continues, choosing a matching clause for each goal and using it to reduce the goal. Variables which neither appear in the original goal, nor any of the currently remaining goals are projected out, as described above. A successful derivation is a sequence of such steps that reduces all the goals without ever meeting an inconsistency on adding constraints to the store. An example is:
X=radishes, Y=M, Z=D, 1+J+K=<10, J>=0, K>=0 @ main(M,J), dessert(D,K) X=radishes, Y=M, Z=D, 1+J+K=<10, J>=0, K>=0 @ meat(M,J), dessert(D,K) X=radishes, Y=beef, Z=D, 1+5+K=<10, K>=0 @ dessert(D,K) X=radishes, Y=beef, Z=fruit @
Note that at the last step the constraint 1+5+2 =< 10 is added to the store, but it is immediately projected out.
Next we give an example of a failed derivation.
The initial goal is the same as before, but this time pasta
chosen as an appetiser instead of radishes
X=A,Y=M,Z=D, I+J+K =< 10, I>=0, J>=0, K>=0 @ appetiser(A,I), main(M,J), dessert(D,K) X=pasta, Y=M, Z=D, 6+J+K=<10, J>=0, K>=0 @ main(M,J), dessert(D,K) X=pasta, Y=M, Z=D, 6+J+K=<10, J>=0, K>=0 @ meat(M,J), dessert(D,K)At the next step whichever clause is used to reduce the goal
, an inconsistent constraint is encountered.
For example choosing beef requires the constraint J=5 to be added
to the store, but this is inconsistent with the two constraints When the attempt to add a constraint to the store fails, due to inconsistency, a CLP(X) program abandons the current branch of the search tree and tries another choice. In sequential implementations this is usually achieved by backtracking to some previous choice of clause to match with a goal. However there are or-parallel implementations where several branches are explored at the same time, and a failing branch is simply given up, allowing the newly available processor to be assigned to another branch.