In order to handle ECLiPSe I/O on queues more conveniently, it is possible to associate a handler with every queue, either on the Tcl or ECLiPSe side. These handlers can be invoked automatically whenever the other side initiates an I/O operation.
For this purpose, the to-ECLiPSe queue must be created with the command argument set. The following example creates a queue that can be written from the ECLiPSe side, and whose contents, if flushed, is automatically displayed in a text widget:
Tcl: pack [text .tout] ec_queue_create my_out_queue toec {ec_stream_to_window "" .tout} {}
Assume that ECLiPSe is then resumed, writes to the queue and flushes it. This will briefly pass control back to Tcl, the ec_stream_to_window-handler will be executed (with the stream number added to its arguments), afterwards control is passed back to ECLiPSe. Note that ec_stream_to_window is a predefined handler which reads the whole queue contents and displays it in the given text widget.
Similarly, a from-ECLiPSe queue could be created as follows:
Tcl: ec_queue_connect my_in_queue fromec \ {ec_stream_input_popup "Type here:"} {}
Assume that ECLiPSe is then resumed and reads from my_in_queue. This will briefly yield control back to Tcl, the ec_stream_input_popup-handler will be executed, afterwards control is passed back to ECLiPSe.
Three predefined handlers are provided:
When ECLiPSe is initialised with the default options, its output and error streams are queues and have the ec_stream_output_popup handler associated. Similarly, the input stream is a queue with the ec_stream_input_popup handler attached. These handler settings may be changed by the user’s Tcl code.
A to-ECLiPSe queue can be configured to raise an ECLiPSe-event (see event/1 and the User Manual chapter on event handling) whenever the Tcl program writes something into the previously empty queue. To allow that, the queue must have been created with the event argument of ec_queue_create set, e.g.3
Tcl: set my_out_channel [ec_queue_create my_queue toec {} my_queue_event]
Assuming something was written into the queue from within Tcl code, the ECLiPSe event will be handled if the queue is flushed on the Tcl side with the command ec_flush:
Tcl: puts $my_out_channel hello ec_flush [ec_streamname_to_streamnum myqueue]
If myqueue was empty, then the puts would raise the event
. The ec_flush transfer control over to
ECLiPSe, so that the event can be handled.