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read_item(+Stream, -Item)

Read one item from a FlatZinc input stream
ECLiPSe stream name or handle
Output: an ECLiPSe term that describes the FlatZinc item


Reads one FlatZinc item (up to and including the terminating semicolon) from Stream, and returns it as an ECLiPSe structure. Fails when end_of_file has been reached.

Modes and Determinism

Fail Conditions

Fails if end_of_file is reached


syntax error


    ?- read_item(input, Item).
    > float: x=3.14;
    Item = float : x = 3.14
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

    ?- read_item(input, Item).
    > solve minimize x;
    Item = minimize(solve, x)
    Yes (0.03s cpu)

    ?- read_item(input, Item).
    > var int: i::foo::bar;
    Item = var(int) : (i :: (foo :: bar))
    Yes (0.02s cpu)

    ?- read_item(input, Item).
    > constraint int_lt(x[2], 3);
    Item = constraint(int_lt(subscript(x, [2]), 3))
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

    ?- read_item(input, Item).
    > set of  int: s={1,2,3};
    Item = (set of int) : s = {[1, 2, 3]}
    Yes (0.05s cpu)

    ?- read_item(input, Item).
    > array [1..3] of var int: a;
    Item = (array([1 .. 3]) of var(int)) : a
    Yes (0.03s cpu)

    ?- read_item(input, Item).
    > var 1..5: i;
    Item = var(1 .. 5) : i
    Yes (0.03s cpu)