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fzn_obj_lookup(+FznState, -Obj)
Find ECLiPSe term representing the Mini/FlatZinc model's objective
- FznState
- a FlatZinc state descriptor
- Obj
- Output: ECLiPSe constant or domain variable
Assuming a model has previously been loaded successfully
using fzn_load_xxx or mzn_load_xxx, this primitive returns
the ECLiPSe term that represents the model's objective.
This can be used for instance by a branch-and-bound primitive.
Modes and Determinism
- fzn_obj_lookup(+, -) is semidet
Fail Conditions
Fails if the model has no objective
See Also
fzn_load_stream / 2, fzn_var_lookup / 3, library(minizinc)