NOTE:When there are no registered visualisation clients, this predicate fails with all arguments, and has no effect.
If ViewableName is the name of an existent viewable, SizeList is unified with a list of integers, each integer being the number of elements in one of the viewable's dimensions.
[Assuming that at least one visualisation client is registered] Success: viewable_create(v1, [], array([flexible, flexible, flexible], any)), viewable_size(v1, X). [gives X = [0,0,0]] viewable_create(v1, []([](R,S), [](Q,W)), array([fixed, fixed], any)), viewable_size(v1, X). [gives X = [2,2]] Failure: viewable_size(no, X). viewable_create(v1, []([](R,S), [](Q,W)), array([fixed, fixed], any)), viewable_size(v1, [1,2]). Exceptions raised: viewable_size(_, X). [gives error 4] viewable_size(123, X). [gives error 4] viewable_create(v1, [X, Y, Z]), viewable_size(v1, q). [gives error 5] viewable_create(v1, [X, Y, Z]), viewable_size(v1, [a]). [gives error 5]