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msg(?X, ?Y, -MSG)

MSG is the most specific generalisation of X and Y representable with domain variables from this library
Any term or variable
Any term or variable
A domain variable or constant (output)


This predicate computes the most specific generalisation of X and Y which can be represented using this library's domain variables.

If X and Y are domain variables (or atomic constants), then MSG will be unified with a new domain variable whose domain consists of the union of the domain elements of X and Y. If the domain union contains only a single value, the result is this single value.

If X or Y are free (unconstrained) variables, then the result will also be a free (unconstrained) variable.

Fail Conditions



    ?- msg(we, fr, Z).
    Z = Z{[we, fr]}
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

    ?- X &:: [sa, su], msg(X, we, Z).
    X = X{[sa, su]}
    Z = Z{[we, sa, su]}
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

    ?- X &:: [sa, su], Y &:: [mo, tu, we], msg(X, Y, Z).
    X = X{[sa, su]}
    Y = Y{[mo, tu, we]}
    Z = Z{[mo, tu, we, sa, su]}
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

    ?- X &:: [sa, su], msg(X, _, Z).
    X = X{[sa, su]}
    Z = Z
    Yes (0.01s cpu)

    ?- msg(we, we, X).
    X = we
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

See Also

fd_sets : msg / 3, ic_sets : msg / 3, ic_symbolic : msg / 3, gfd : msg / 3, ic_kernel : msg / 3, fd : msg / 3, library(propia), &:: / 2