[ library(lists) | Reference Manual | Alphabetic Index ]
maplist(+Pred, ?OldList, ?NewList)
Succeeds if Pred(Old, New) succeeds for corresponding pairs of elements
from OldList and NewList.
- +Pred
- Atom or compound term.
- ?OldList
- List or variable.
- ?NewList
- List or variable.
Either OldList or NewList should be a proper list. maplist/3 succeeds
if for every corresponding pair of elements Old, New of the two lists
OldList and NewList the invocation of Pred with two aditional arguments
Old and New succeeds.
The definition of this Prolog library predicate is:
:- tool(maplist/3, maplist_body/4).
maplist_body(_, [], [], _).
maplist_body(Pred, [H1|T1], [H2|T2], Module) :-
call(Pred, H1, H2)@Module,
maplist_body(Pred, T1, T2, Module).
This predicate does not perform any type testing functions.
Modes and Determinism
- maplist(+, +, -)
- maplist(+, -, +)
This predicate is sensitive to its module context (tool predicate, see @/2).
Fail Conditions
Fails if at least for one pair of corresponding elements of OldList and NewList the invocation of Pred with these two additional arguments fails
Resatisfiable if at least for one pair of corresponding elements of OldList and NewList the invocation of Pred with these two additional arguments is resatisfiable
maplist(integer_atom, [1, 2, 3], ['1', '2', '3']).
maplist(sin, [0, 1, 2], X).
(gives X = [0.0, 0.841471, 0.909297])
maplist(get_flag(var/1), [skip, type, spy], [off, built_in, off]).
maplist(type_of, [1, a, "a"], [integer, atom, atom]).
See Also
maplist / 2