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Normalizers for arithmetic expressions


delinearize(?Linear, -Expression)
Convert a linear form back to a standard arithmetic expression
linearize(?Expression, -Linear, -Residue)
Split and arithmetic expression into linear and nonlinear parts
linrenorm(+LinOld, -LinNew)
Renormalize a linear form
normalize(?, ?, ?)
No description available
polydenorm(?NormPoly, -Expression)
Convert a polynomial form back to a standard arithmetic expression
polynorm(?Expression, -NormPoly, -Residue)
Extracts and normalises the polynomial part of an arithmetic expression
polyrenorm(+PolyOld, -PolyNew)
Renormalize a polynomial form
quadnorm(?Expression, -Const, -Linear, -Quadratic, -PolyRes, -Residue)
Extracts constant, linear and quadratic part of an arithmetic expression
simplify(?, ?)
No description available


Generated from linearize.eci on 2022-09-03 14:26