[ library(http_client) | Reference Manual | Alphabetic Index ]
http_client(+Method, +Uri, +ObjectBody, +HttpParams, -RespError, -RespParam, -RespObjectBody)
Used to access HTML pages, given their URI (the method GET is applied)
- Method
- A string
- Uri
- A string
- ObjectBody
- A string
- HttpParams
- A list of terms as defined in the DCG grammar
- RespError
- Outputs a term error(ErrorCode, ErrorPhrase),
where ErrorCode is he error code contained in the response
and ErrorPhrase is the error phrase contained in the response
- RespParam
- Outputs a list of terms as defined in the DCG grammar
- RespObjectBody
- Outputs the object body of the response
[eclipse 1]: use_module(http).
http_grammar.pl compiled traceable 25048 bytes in 0.38 seconds
http_client.pl compiled traceable 5916 bytes in 0.47 seconds
http_server.pl compiled traceable 5304 bytes in 0.07 seconds
http.pl compiled traceable 0 bytes in 0.57 seconds
[eclipse 2]: http_client("GET", "http://www.ecrc.de/staff/", "", [],
Status, Param, Resp).
Status = error(200, "Document follows ")
Param = [date, server, contentType(mt(text, html))]
Resp = "<HTML>...</HTML>"