[ library(fd_search) | Reference Manual | Alphabetic Index ]
search(+L, ++Arg, ++Select, +Choice, ++Method, +Option)
A generic search routine for finite domains or IC which implements
different partial search methods (complete, credit, lds, bbs, dbs, sbds,
gap_sbds, gap_sbdd)
- L
- a collection (a la collection_to_list/2) of domain
variables (Arg = 0) or a collection of terms (Arg > 0)
- Arg
- an integer, which is 0 if the list is a list of domain
variables, or greater than 0 if the list consists of terms
with arity at least Arg (the value Arg indicating the argument
that contains the domain variables to be labeled)
- Select
- the name of a predefined selection method (input_order,
first_fail, smallest, largest, occurrence, most_constrained,
max_regret, anti_first_fail), or an atom or compound term
specifying a user-defined selection method
- Choice
- the name of a predefined choice method (indomain,
indomain_min, indomain_max, indomain_middle, indomain_reverse_min,
indomain_reverse_max, indomain_median, indomain_split,
indomain_reverse_split, indomain_random, indomain_interval),
or an atom or compound term specifying a user-defined method
- Method
- one of the following search method specifications:
complete, bbs(Steps:integer), lds(Disc:integer),
credit(Credit:integer, Extra:integer or bbs(Steps:integer)
or lds(Disc:integer)), dbs(Level:integer, Extra:integer or
bbs(Steps:integer) or lds(Disc:integer)), sbds, gap_sbds,
- Option
- a list of option terms. Currently recognized
are backtrack(-N), node(++Call), nodes(++N)
Search/6 provides a generic interface to a set of different search
methods. It can currently be used with either the finite domains (if loaded
via lib(fd_search)), integer IC finite domains, and GFD integer finite
domains (if loaded via lib(gfd_search)). By changing the Method
argument, different partial search algorithms (and their parameters) can be
selected and controlled. The search predicate also provides a number of pre-defined
variable selection methods (to choose which variable will be assigned next)
and some pre-defined value assignment methods (to try out the possible
values for the selected variable in some heuristic order), but user-defined
methods can be used in their place as well. In order to allow more
structure in the application program, it is possible to pass a collection
of terms rather than only a collection of domain variables. In this way all
information about some entity can be easily grouped together. It also
allows more complex labeling methods which combine the assignment of
multiple variables (like a preference value and a decision variable).
All search methods use a stable selection method. If several entries
have the same heuristic value, then the first one is selected. The rest of
the collection (treated as a list) is equal to the original list with the
selected entry removed, the order of the non-selected entries does not
The pre-defined selection methods are the following:
- input_order
the first entry in the list is selected
- first_fail
the entry with the smallest domain size is selected
- anti_first_fail
the entry with the largest domain size is selected
- smallest
the entry with the smallest value in the domain is selected
- largest
the entry with the largest value in the domain is selected
- occurrence
the entry with the largest number of attached constraints is selected
- most_constrained
the entry with the smallest domain size is selected. If several
entries have the same domain size, the entry with the largest number
of attached constraints is selected.
- max_regret
the entry with the largest difference between the smallest and second
smallest value in the domain is selected. This method is typically
used if the variable represents a cost, and we are interested in
the choice which could increase overall cost the most if the best
possibility is not taken. Unfortunately, the implementation does
not always work: If two decision variables incur the same minimal
cost, the regret is not calculated as zero, but as the difference
from this minimal value to the next greater value.
Any other atom will be taken as the specification of a user-defined
selection predicate. This will be invoked with 2 arguments (X,Criterion)
added and is expected to compute a selection criterion (typically a number)
from a variable or value X. E.g. if Select is 'my_select', a predicate
definition like the following has to be provided:
my_select(X,Criterion) :-
... % compute Criterion from variable X
The variable-selection will then select the variable with the lowest value
(in standard term order) of Criterion. If several variables have the same
value, the first one is selected.
The above selection methods use the predefined delete/5 predicate.
If this is not general enough, you can replace it with your own: if Select
is given as select(my_delete), then my_delete(-SelectedVar,+List,-Rest,+Arg)
will be invoked for selecting a variable from List.
The pre-defined choice methods have the following meaning:
- indomain
uses the built-in indomain/1. Values are tried in increasing order.
On failure, the previously tested value is not removed.
- indomain_min
Values are tried in increasing order. On failure, the previously
tested value is removed. The values are tested in the same order as
for indomain, but backtracking may occur earlier.
- indomain_max
Values are tried in decreasing order. On failure, the previously
tested value is removed.
- indomain_reverse_min
Like indomain_min, but the alternatives are tried in reverse order.
I.e. the smallest value is first removed from the domain, and only
if that fails, the value is assigned.
- indomain_reverse_max
Like indomain_max, but the alternatives are tried in reverse order.
I.e. the largest value is first removed from the domain, and only
if that fails, the value is assigned.
- indomain_middle
Values are tried beginning from the middle of the domain. On failure,
the previously tested value is removed.
- indomain_median
Values are tried beginning from the median value of the domain. On
failure, the previously tested value is removed.
- indomain_split
Values are tried by succesive domain splitting, trying the lower half
of the domain first. On failure, the tried interval is removed. This
enumerates values in the same order as indomain or indomain_min, but
may fail earlier.
- indomain_reverse_split
Values are tried by succesive domain splitting, trying the upper half
of the domain first. On failure, the tried interval is removed. This
enumerates values in the same order as indomain_max, but
may fail earlier.
- indomain_random
Values are tried in a random order. On backtracking, the previously
tried value is removed. Using this routine may lead to non-reproducible
results, as another call will create random numbers in a different
sequence. This method uses the built-in random/1 to create
random numbers, seed/1 can be used to force the same number
generation sequence in another run.
- indomain_interval
If the domain consists of several intervals, we first branch on the
choice of the interval. For one interval, we use domain
Any other name is taken as the name of a user-defined predicate of
arity 1, to which the variable to be labeled (or a whole element of
list L, in the Arg>0 case) is passed, e.g.
my_choice(X) :-
... % make a choice on variable X
Alternatively, a term with 2 arguments can be given as the choice-method,
e.g. my_choice(FirstIn,LastOut). this will lead to the invocation of a
choice predicate with arity 3, e.g.
my_choice(X,In,Out) :-
... % make a choice on variable X, using In-Out
This allows user-defined state to be transferred between the subsequent
invocations of the choice-predicate (the Out argument of a call to
my_choice/3 for one variable is unified with the In argument of the call to
my_choice/3 for the next variable, and so on).
In addition, a fixed argument can be passed: my_choice(Param) leads to
invocation of my_choice(X,Param), and my_choice(Param,FirstIn,LastOut)
leads to invocation of my_choice(X,Param,In,Out).
The different search methods are
- complete
a complete search routine which explores all alternative choices.
- bbs(Steps)
The bounded backtracking search allows Steps
backtracking steps.
- lds(Disc)
A form of the limited discrepancy search . This method
iteratively tries 0, 1, 2 .. Disc changes against the
heuristic (first) value. Typical values are between 1 and 3 (which
already may create too many alternatives for large problems). The
original LDS paper stated that the discrepancy to be tested first
should be at the top of the tree. Our implementation tries the first
discrepancy at the bottom of the tree. This means that solutions may
be found in a different order compared to the original algorithm.
This change is imposed by the evaluation strategy used and can not be
easily modified.
- credit(Credit, bbs(Steps))
The credit based search explores the top of the search tree
completely. Initially, a given number of credits (Credit) are
given. At each choice point, the first alternative gets half of the
available credit, the second alternative half of the remaining credit,
and so on. When the credit run out, the system switches to another
search routine, here bbs. In each of these bounded backtracking
searches Steps backtracking steps are allowed before returning
to the top most part of the tree and choosing the next remaining
candidate. A good value for Steps is 5, a value of 0 forces a
deterministic search using the heuristic. Typical values for
Credit are either N or N*N, where N is the number of entries in
the collection.
- credit(Credit, lds(Disc))
like the one above, but using lds when the credit runs out.
Typically, only one (perhaps 2) discrepancies should be allowed.
- dbs(Level, bbs(Steps))
The depth bounded search explores the first Level
choices in the search tree completely, i.e. it tries all values for
the first Level selected variables. After that, it switches to
another search method, here bbs. In each of these searches,
Steps backtracking steps are allowed.
- dbs(Level, lds(Disc))
like the method above, but switches to lds after the first
Level variables.
- sbds
A complete search routine which uses the SBDS symmetry breaking library
(lib(ic_sbds) or lib(fd_sbds)) to exclude symmetric parts of the search tree
from consideration. The symmetry breaking must be initialised through a
call to sbds_initialise/4,5 before calling search/6. Currently the only
pre-defined choice methods supported by this search method are
indomain_min, indomain_max, indomain_middle,
indomain_median and indomain_random. Any user-defined choice
method used in conjunction with this search method must use sbds_try/2 to
assign/exclude values or the symmetry breaking will not work correctly.
- gap_sbds (Not available for FD.)
A complete search routine which uses the GAP-based SBDS symmetry breaking
library lib(ic_gap_sbds) to exclude symmetric parts of the search tree from
consideration. The symmetry breaking must be initialised through a call to
sbds_initialise/5 before calling search/6. Currently the only pre-defined
choice methods supported by this search method are indomain_min,
indomain_max, indomain_middle, indomain_median and
indomain_random. Any user-defined choice method used in conjunction
with this search method must use sbds_try/2 to assign/exclude values or the
symmetry breaking will not work correctly.
- gap_sbdd (Not available for FD.)
A complete search routine which uses the GAP-based SBDD symmetry breaking
library lib(ic_gap_sbdd) to exclude symmetric parts of the search tree from
consideration. The symmetry breaking must be initialised through a call to
sbdd_initialise/5 before calling search/6. Currently the only pre-defined
choice methods supported by this search method are indomain_min,
indomain_max, indomain_middle, indomain_median and
indomain_random. Any user-defined choice method used in conjunction
with this search method must use sbdd_try/2 to assign/exclude values or the
symmetry breaking will not work correctly.
The option list is used to pass additional parameters to and from the
procedure. The currently recognized options are:
- backtrack(-N)
returns the number of backtracking steps used in the search routine
- nodes(++N)
sets an upper limit on the number of nodes explored in the search. If
the given limit is exceeded, the search routine stops the exploration
of the search tree.
- node(daVinci)
create a drawing of the search tree using the daVinci graph drawing
tool. Each node of the search tree is shown as a node in the tree.
The label of the node is the selected term of the collection.
- node(daVinci(++Call))
as the previous option, it creates a drawing of the search tree using
the daVinci graph drawing tool. But instead of using the complete
selected term as the label, it call the predicate Call/2 to
choose which part of the selected term to display.
This predicate is sensitive to its module context (tool predicate, see @/2).
Fail Conditions
Fails if the search tree generated does not contain any solution.
For partial search methods, this does not mean that the problem does not
have a solution, but only that the part of the tree generated did not
contain one.
L :: 1..8,
L :: 1..8,
L :: 1..8,
L :: 1..8,
L :: 1..8,
% a more complex example with different methods and heuristics
% the list to be assigned is a list of terms queen/2
:- local struct(queen(place,var)).
search(Queens1, var of queen, Select, Choice, Method, [backtrack(Back)]).
N > M,
X :: 1..M,
N1 is N+1,
X #\= Y,
X #\= Y + N,
Y #\= X + N,
N1 is N+1,
% this example shows how to pass information from one assignment step
% to the next
% this uses a term of two arguments as the choice argument
% The example also shows the use of the option argument:
% the search tree generated is drawn with the daVinci graph drawing tool
% and the search is limited to 1000 nodes.
% The number of backtracking steps is returned in the variables Back.
:-local struct(country(name,color)).
color of country, % select based on this variable
assign([1,2,3,4],Out), % this calls assign/3
create_countries([C|C1],[country{name:C, color:V}|R1],[V|V1]):-
V :: 1..4,
member(country{name:A, color:Av},L),
member(country{name:B, color:Bv},L),
Av #\= Bv,
% this is the choice predicate
% the first argument is the complete selected term
% the second is the input argument
% the third is the output argument
% here we pass a list of values and rotate this list from one step to the next
% another example of argument passing
% here each entry gets the same information
% it is passed unchanged from one level to the next
L :: 1..10,
% pass two lists as the In argument of assign
% try the odd numbers before the even numbers
% this is the assignment routine
% the first argument is a
% Pass the In argument as the Out argument
% try values from list L1 before values from list L2
% and another example from square placement
% alternatively try minimal and maximal values first
:-local struct(square(x,y,size)).
0, % this value does not matter if input_order is chosen
% the assignment routine
% alternate between min and max for consecutive levels in the search
% this example shows that the choice routine may consist of several clauses
% the idea comes from a graph coloring heuristic
L :: 1..100,
assign(0,K), The In argument is the highest color used so far
% assign variable X either to one of the colors 1..K
% which have already been used, or to the new color K+1
% we do not need to try other values K+2 etc, as this is a symmetry that
% we can avoid
X #=< K,
K1 is K+1.
% example showing use of the SBDS library with a user-defined choice method
% which calls sbds_try/2.
dim(M, [8]),
M[1..8] :: 1..8,
M =.. [_|L], % get list of variables for search routine
% Example showing use of the GAP-based SBDS library with a user-defined
% choice method which calls sbds_try/2. (For the GAP-based SBDD library,
% just substitute "sbdd" for each occurrence of "sbds" below.)
dim(M, [8]),
M[1..8] :: 1..8,
M =.. [_|L], % get list of variables for search routine
See Also
ic : indomain / 1, ic_symbolic : indomain / 1, gfd : indomain / 1, sd : indomain / 1, fd : indomain / 1, indomain / 2, ic : labeling / 1, gfd : labeling / 1, sd : labeling / 1, fd : labeling / 1, sd : deleteff / 3, fd : deleteff / 3, fd : deleteffc / 3, ic_sbds : sbds_initialise / 4, gfd_sbds : sbds_initialise / 4, fd_sbds : sbds_initialise / 4, ic_sbds : sbds_initialise / 5, gfd_sbds : sbds_initialise / 5, fd_sbds : sbds_initialise / 5, ic_gap_sbds : sbds_initialise / 5, ic_sbds : sbds_try / 2, gfd_sbds : sbds_try / 2, fd_sbds : sbds_try / 2, ic_gap_sbds : sbds_try / 2, ic_gap_sbdd : sbdd_initialise / 5, ic_gap_sbdd : sbdd_try / 2, library(ic_sbds), library(fd_sbds), library(ic_gap_sbds), library(ic_gap_sbdd)