This predicate is intended mainly for testing purposes, because portray-transformations are normally performed implicitly by the term output predicates write/1,2, writeln/1,2, print/1,2, display/1,2, printf/2,3 or write_term/2,3.
This predicate can defined in terms of portray_term/3 as
portray_goal(Term, TransTerm) :- portray_term(Term, TransTerm, goal).and is therefore deprecated.
[eclipse 1]: lib(fd). yes. [eclipse 4]: X#>Y, delayed_goals([G]), portray_goal(G, PG)@fd. X = X{[-9999999..10000000]} Y = Y{[-10000000..9999999]} G = gec(X{[-9999999..10000000]}, -1, Y{[-10000000..9999999]}, -1) PG = X{[-9999999..10000000]} - Y{[-10000000..9999999]}#>=1 Delayed goals: X{[-9999999..10000000]} - Y{[-10000000..9999999]}#>=1 yes.