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errno_id(+N, -Message)

Message is bound to the message string that corresponds to the UNIX message for a system call error when the UNIX errno has the value N.
Positive integer.

This built-in predicate is obsolete!


This predicate unifies Message with the string that corresponds to the UNIX message for a system call error when errno has the value N.

The errors are system dependent. In SunOS 4.0, there are 89 defined UNIX system call errors.

Modes and Determinism


(4) instantiation fault
N is not instantiated.
(5) type error
N is instantiated, but not to an integer.
(5) type error
Message is instantiated.


        % the following sample errors are for SunOS 4.0
      errno_id(1,M).  (gives M = "Not owner").
      errno_id(2,M).  (gives M = "No such file or directory").
      errno_id(3,M).  (gives M = "No such process").
      errno_id(4,M).  (gives M = "Interrupted system call").
      errno_id(5,M).  (gives M = "I/O error").
      errno_id(6,M).  (gives M = "No such device or address").
      errno_id(89,M). (gives M = "Remote address changed").
      errno_id(90,M). (gives M = "Unknown system error").
        % the latter occurs for all errors greater than 89.
      errno_id(N,M).         (Error 4).
      errno_id(1.0,M).       (Error 5).
      errno_id(1,"message"). (Error 5).

See Also

errno_id / 1