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Term I/O

Built-ins for input/output of complex terms


Term is displayed on the current output --- without considering operator definitions.
display(+Stream, ?Term)
Term is displayed on the output stream Stream --- without considering operator definitions.
expand_macros(?Term, -TransTerm)
Apply macro transformations to Term
portray_term(?Term, -TransTerm, +As)
Apply portray (write) transformations to Term
The term Term is written on the output stream according to the current operator declarations, using the predicate portray/2 or portray/1 if it exists.
print(+Stream, ?Term)
The term Term is written on the output stream Stream according to the current operator declarations, using the predicate portray/2 or portray/1 if it exists.
printf(+Format, ?ArgList)
The arguments in the argument list ArgList are interpreted according to the Format string and the result is printed to the output stream
printf(+Stream, +Format, ?ArgList)
The arguments in the argument list ArgList are interpreted according to the Format string and the result is printed on the output Stream
Succeeds if the next term from the input stream is successfully read and unified with Term.
read(+Stream, -Term)
Succeeds if the next term from the input stream Stream is successfully read and unified with Term.
read_annotated(+Stream, -AnnTerm)
Read term with type and source position information
read_annotated(+Stream, -Term, -AnnTerm)
Read term with type and source position information
read_exdr(+Stream, -Term)
A term in EXDR-format is read from the input stream Stream and converted to the corresponding ECLiPSe term Term.
read_term(-Term, +Options)
Read a whole term in ECLiPSe syntax from the current input stream, according to Options
read_term(+Stream, -Term, ++Options)
Read a whole term in ECLiPSe syntax from the input stream Stream, according to Options
sprintf(-String, +Format, ?ArgList)
The arguments in the argument list ArgList are interpreted according to the Format string and the formatted result is unified with String.
The term Term is written on output stream according to the current operator declarations.
write(+Stream, ?Term)
The term Term is written on the output stream Stream according to the current operator declarations.
The term Term is written on the stream output in a form that ignores operator declarations and can be read in.
write_canonical(+Stream, ?Term)
The term Term is written on the output stream Stream in a form that ignores operator declarations and can be read in.
write_exdr(+Stream, ?Term)
The term Term is written onto the output stream Stream in EXDR-format (a format for communication with agents in other programming languages).
write_term(?Term, ++Options)
The term Term is written to the current output in a format specified by Options
write_term(+Stream, ?Term, ++Options)
The term Term is written to the output stream Stream in a format specified by Options
The clause Clause is pretty printed on the current output .
writeclause(+Stream, ?Clause)
The clause Clause is pretty printed on the output stream Stream .
The term Term is written on the current output according to the current operator declarations. Equivalent to write(Term),nl.
writeln(+Stream, ?Term)
The term Term is written on the output stream Stream according to the current operator declarations. Equivalent to write(Stream,Term), nl(Stream).
The term Term is written on the current output in a form that can be read in.
writeq(+Stream, ?Term)
The term Term is written on the output stream Stream in a form that can be read in.

Generated from ioterm.eci on 2022-09-03 14:26