[ Development Environment and Global Settings | Reference Manual | Alphabetic Index ]


Prints information about the current ECLiPSe environment on the current output.


Prints a list of the current global flag values on the toplevel output stream. These are the same values that get_flag/2 provides.

Modes and Determinism


This predicate is sensitive to its module context (tool predicate, see @/2).


?- env.

after_event_timer:      real            ignore_eof:             off
bounded:                false           last_errno:             22
break_level:            0               macro_expansion:        on
breal_exceptions:       off             max_global_trail:       536870912
coroutine:              off             max_local_control:      134217728
cpu_count:              4               max_predicate_arity:    255
cwd_scope:              process         output_mode:            "QPm"
debug_compile:          on              pid:                    27917
debugging:              nodebug         ppid:                   15646
eclipse_info_suffix:    ".eci"          prefer_rationals:       off
eclipse_object_suffix:  ".eco"          print_depth:            20
float_precision:        double          remote_protocol_version:1
gc:                     on              system_object_suffix:   ".so"
gc_interval:            8388608         toplevel_module:        eclipse
gc_interval_dict:       960             unix_time:              1471389167
gc_policy:              adaptive        version:                '7.0'
goal_expansion:         on              version_as_list:        [7, 0, 3]
hostarch:               "x86_64_linux"  

cwd:                    "/home/john/"
default_language:       eclipse_language 
extension:              threads development 
tmp_dir:                "/tmp/" 
hostid:                 "L#c81f6605c767" 
hostname:               "coninferpc" 
installation_directory: "/usr/local/eclipse" 
library_path:           ["/usr/local/eclipse/lib",
loaded_library:         eclipse_language suspend 
output_options:         [depth(20), attributes(pretty), quoted(true),
prolog_suffix:          ["", ".ecl", ".pl"] 
syntax_option:          nl_in_quotes no_blanks based_bignums 
variable_names:         check_singletons 

See Also

get_flag / 2, set_flag / 2