[ Reference Manual | Alphabetic Index ]
- cgi
- Some utilities for writing cgi scripts with ECLiPSe
- csv
- Utilities to manipulate comma-separated (csv) format
- daVinci
- This library provides a simple interface to the daVinci graph drawing tool
- dbi
- Interface to MySQL databases
- eplex
- Interface to external Simplex or MIP solvers
- eplex_cplex
- Load lib(eplex) with the CPLEX solver
- eplex_glpk
- Load lib(eplex) with the GLPK solver
- eplex_gurobi
- Load lib(eplex) with the Gurobi solver
- eplex_osi
- Load lib(eplex) with COIN-OR's OSI with a default solver
- eplex_osi_clpcbc
- Load lib(eplex) with COIN-OR's CLP (linear) with CBC (mixed integer) via OSI's OSIClpSolverInterface.
- eplex_osi_glpk
- Load lib(eplex) with GNU's GLPK via OSI's OSIGlpkSolverInterface.
- eplex_osi_symclp
- Load lib(eplex) with COIN-OR's SYMPHONY (mixed integer) with CLP (linear) via OSI's OSISymSolverIterface.
- eplex_xpress
- Load lib(eplex) with the XPRESS-MP solver
- External Interface
- Built-ins to access functions and data from foreign languages
- flatzinc
- Interpreter for FlatZinc
- flatzinc_parser
- A parser for FlatZinc
- flatzinc_syntax
- Configure ECLiPSe parser to accept FlatZinc syntax
- foreign
- Simple foreign interface like SICStus or Quintus
- fzn_eplex
- Mapping from FlatZinc to lib(eplex)
- fzn_fd
- Mapping from FlatZinc to lib(fd) and lib(fd_sets)
- fzn_ic
- Mapping from FlatZinc to lib(ic) and lib(ic_sets)
- gap
- Library for interfacing with the GAP computational algebra system
- gnuplot
- Interface to the function and data plotting program - gnuplot
- graphviz
- Interface to Graphviz Graph Drawing Programs from AT&T
- http
- HTTP library
- http_client
- HTTP client library
- http_server
- HTTP server library
- java_vc
- Module for the Java Visualisation Client
- json
- Read and write JSON format
- minizinc
- Utilities for using MiniZinc with ECLiPSe
- Operating System
- Built-ins to access operating-system services
- tty_vc
- Simple TTY visualisation client
- xml
- A bi-directional XML parser
Generated 2022-09-03 14:26