am trying to solve the job shop problem using the folowing program writtem in eclipse. the code works for small problems but takes forever to run when presented with larger prolems. How can i improve it? by forever here i mean more than 12 hours here is the code :- use_module(library(fd)). :- use_module(library(structures)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(branch_and_bound)). :- mode read_data(++,-). :- mode output_data(++,+). :- local struct( taskstruct(name, jobno, duration, startime) ). % Input = Data= Problem % task Structure is task(id,duration,[task that it succeeds],machine to be run on % Variables are the start times of the various tasks. % This is the main predicate that finds the minimum schedule using the MIN_MAX predicate provided by the branch and bound library. gp276(End, Variables, Time) :- End :: [0..100000], read_data('//c/JSSer/main/',Input), cputime(T0), adddur(Input,Max), % calculate upper limit of start time domain cls('',""), min_max((schedule(Input, End, Variables,Max), indomain(End)), End), Time is cputime - T0, return(End,Time), output1(Variables). % read data from the input file read_data(File,Input):- open(File,read,St), read(St,X), read_data_lp(St,X,Input), close(St). read_data_lp(_St,end_of_file,[]):- !. read_data_lp(St,X,[X|R]):- read(St,Y), read_data_lp(St,Y,R). % schedule program schedule(List, End, Variables,Max) :- makeVariables(List, Variables, End,Max), precedences(List, Variables), machines(List, Variables), labeltasks(Variables), writeterm('',"Schedule \nTaskNo\tJobNo\tDuration\tStartTime\tFinishTime"), writeto('',Variables). % saves all the other possibles schedules. % add the durations to get the upper limit of the start times hence creating a finite domain adddur([],0). adddur([task(_,_,D,_,_)|T],Sum):- adddur(T,Sum1),Sum1 #= Sum + (-D). % intializing domain variables makeVariables([],[],_,_). makeVariables([task(N,J,D,_,_)|Ts], [taskstruct(N,J,D,TS)|Js], End,Mx) :- TS :: [0..Mx], TS + D #<= End, %Start time should be less than the finish time of the sschedule makeVariables(Ts, Js, End,Mx). gettaskstruct(JL, J, N, D, TS) :- once(member(taskstruct(N,J,D,TS), JL)). %extract a task from the list of tasks % checks the precedence constraints precedences([],_). precedences([task(N,J,_,Pre,_)|Ts], Variables) :- gettaskstruct(Variables,J, N, _, TS), prectask(Pre, TS, Variables,J), precedences(Ts, Variables). prectask([], _, _,_). prectask([Name|Names], PostStart, Variables,Jn) :- gettaskstruct(Variables, Jn, Name, D, TS), %(Jn #= JN -> TS + D #<= PostStart, % ;true ), %precedence constraints prectask(Names, PostStart, Variables,Jn).% start time + duration of %the previous task has to be %less than the start time of %the next task % check the machine constraints machines([], _). machines([task(N,J,_,_,M)|Ts], Variables) :- gettaskstruct(Variables, J, N, D, TS), machtask(Ts, M, D, TS, Variables), machines(Ts, Variables). machtask([], _, _, _, _). machtask([task(SN,J,_,_,M0)|Ts], M, D, TS, Variables) :- (M == M0 -> gettaskstruct(Variables, J, SN, SD, STS), exclude(D, TS, SD, STS) ; true ), machtask(Ts, M, D, TS, Variables). % ensures that no two run the same task at the same time exclude(_D, TS, SD, STS) :- STS + SD #<= TS. %machine constraints exclude(D, TS, _SD, STS) :- TS + D #<= STS. labeltasks([]). labeltasks([taskstruct(_,_,_,TS)|Js]) :- indomain(TS), labeltasks(Js). % predicates to write to files writeto(File,[]):-!. writeto(File,[taskstruct(N,J,D,TS)|T]):- output_data(File,J,N,D,TS), writeto(File,T). cls(File,Term):- open(File,write,St), printf(St,"%s",Term), close(St). writeterm(File,Term):- open(File,append,St), nl(St), printf(St,"%s",Term), nl(St), close(St). output_data(File,J,N,D,TS):- % writes task by task. open(File,append,St), writeq(St,N), write(St," \t "), writeq(St,J), write(St," \t "), writeq(St,D), write(St," \t "), writeq(St,TS), write(St," \t "), E #= TS + D, writeq(St,E), nl(St), close(St). %predicates to return results to TCL output1([taskstruct(N,J,D,TS)|T]):- write_exdr(my_queue, taskstruct(N,J,D,TS)), output1(T), fail. output1([]):- write_exdr(my_queue, end), flush(my_queue). return(End,Time):- write_exdr(resqueue, (End,Time)), flush(resqueue). ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page on Fri Jul 22 11:03:01 2005
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