Hi, I am trying to put eclipse 3.5.2 on my computer. I am running linux (redhat 5.0 - kernel 2.0.32). When I run the INSTALL script in eclipse/boot I get a heap of undefined references in sepia.o and other files. The references are to things like perror and write and kill etc - all standard c stuff. I have set relevant environment variables ( ECLIPSEDIR and ARCH ), I have tried explicitly including libc.a in the compile command ( using gcc). Our system administrator says he kinda remembers having this problem before but can't remember how he solved it and he doesn't have time to give me a hand at the moment. So if anyone out there has any suggestions it would be much appreciated. I am using 3.5.2 because it has the save/1 predicate which isn't in 3.7.1 ( save(+File) Saves the state of the current execution state in File ). Does any one know at what version this predicate ceased to exist and if there is an equivalent in 3.7.1 - i've had a quick look tin the manual and couldn't find one and couldn't find any ChangeLog file with the distribution. Thanks! -- Marianne Brown _ /| Dept. of Computer Science PhD Student \'o.0 ' James Cook University, Australia Tel: +61 7 4781 5086 =(___)= Email: marianne@cs.jcu.edu.au Fax: +61 7 4781 4029 U WWW: www.cs.jcu.edu.au/~marianne [ Moderator's note: I would strongly advise you to use a newer version of Eclipse. Release 3.5.2 is the last one that has the saved state feature, it has been removed since it was of limited use, difficult to port and maintain, and incompatible with the new embedding features. What's still available is the dump/1 builtin, which converts a .pl into a .sd file (a precompiled form of your source). -- Joachim ]Received on Mon Jul 27 12:09:30 1998
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