Re: [eclipse-clp-users] BAD_TERMs in the C/C++ interface

From: Joachim Schimpf <jschimpf_at_...311...>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 14:07:18 +0000
On 15/12/2019 03:39, Victor Mataré wrote:
> On Samstag, 14. Dezember 2019 02:21:33 CET Joachim Schimpf wrote:
>> Hello Victor,
>> On 13/12/2019 18:46, Victor Mataré wrote:
>>> I'm making extensive use of the C++ interface, and the aggressive garbage
>>> collection in eclipse-clp is still giving me trouble. So as I understand
>>> it, any term goes BAD after it's been given to the eclipse engine once.
>>> Now I already have infrastructure in place to deal with that, but in my
>>> control flow it's becoming a huge issue that I never really know whether a
>>> term has gone BAD or not. Is there any way to query whether a certain term
>>> (handle) has already been garbage collected?
>> I'm quite confident that the C++ interface has the functionality to solve
>> your problem in a clean way, no strange workarounds should be necessary.
>>   From what you say, I suspect that you may not be using term references
>> where they are needed.
> It's not that. I don't need persistent term references because I'm not pulling
> information out of the eclipse engine.

You don't need them in principle, but you _do_ need them if you want to reuse 
subterms (such as variables) across invocations of EC_resume().  The rules are 
really quite simple:

  - All EC_words must be considered invalid after an EC_resume()

  - EC_Refs remain valid after EC_resume() (although the term they refer to may 
have changed)

In C++ parlance, you might think of EC_words as raw pointers, and of EC_refs as 
smart pointers.

In your case, you seem to repeatedly construct terms and invoke EC_resume(). 
Because you don't _need_ to share variables between the constructed terms, you 
have two choices:

  - you can construct fresh terms each time, and assign them either to your old 
invalid EC_words, or to new EC_words.  [I think this is what you are doing now]

  - you can choose to reuse old subterms, but then you must assign them to 
EC_refs to carry them across invocations of EC_resume()

> In the part I'm talking about, I'm
> basically just using compile_term/1 to "compile" a C++ object structure into a
> bunch of prolog clauses. The problem is that some of those C++ objects
> represent variables that are referenced in other objects (i.e. they are not
> singleton variables).
> So I can't simply re-initialize the variable terms whenever they're referenced
> because that would make them singletons. I've now resorted to initializing
> these variable terms once before building a term or clause that has variables,
> but that is error prone because I didn't expect to have that problem when I
> designed the control flow.
> Now that I think of it, some clearer documentation might have helped me in the
> beginning. There is just this rather vague half-sentence in the Embedding and
> Interfacing Manual:
> "terms do not survive the execution of ECLiPSe"
> None of these words are really clear. What terms are really affected and how,
> what does "survive" mean and what does "execution" mean?

"Term" has its standard meaning in Prolog/ECLiPSe, namely the universal data 
type (everything is a term: constants, structures and lists, even variables). 
Everything you can assign to an EC_word is a term.

"Execution of ECLiPSe" means passing control to ECLiPSe, either by calling 
EC_resume(), or (in case your code was called from ECLiPSe as an external) by 

"not survive" means your EC_words may contain nonsense.

The meanings were probably crystal clear to the implementer who once wrote them, 
but less so from a user's perspective ;)

> I think the Embedding Manual should have at least a short section about memory
> management that clearly states what happens. In fact, it should have a big fat
> warning along these lines:
> ==============================================================================
> Every EC_word that has been put into post_goal() is invalid after EC_resume().
> That includes all pieces of complex terms. Putting an invalid EC_word into
> another post_goal() leads to undefined behaviour, which might cause the
> eclipse engine to corrupt data, crash immediately, crash randomly, or to never
> crash.
> ==============================================================================

post_goal() has nothing to do with it, only EC_resume() is important.

The C++ interface is a thin layer on top of the C interface.  It is a low-level 
interface involving pointers etc, and thus of course capable of causing crashes. 
  One could design a safer, less direct, higher-level interface (like the Java 
or TCL one), but that's not what we have here.

> ...
> Hope I did get the problem across ;-)

Sure, I hope I could help a little.

-- Joachim
Received on Mon Dec 16 2019 - 14:07:37 CET

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