Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Suggestion for a workshop content

From: Sergii Dymchenko <kit1980_at_...6...>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 17:29:17 -0800
Workshop's video has been published: LambdaConf 2015 - Introduction to
Constraint Logic Programming with ECLiPSe -


On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:39 AM, Claudio Cesar de Sá <claudio.sa_at_...362...7...>

> Sergi
> Congratulations ... I saw the link, it's seems a great event.
> For your presentation, some suggestions:
> 1. Start for a quick comparision between functional and logic paradigms
> show some small examples in Haskell (everybody knows it) and Prolog.
> For example:
> Code in Haskell
> length [] = 0
> length (head:tail) = 1 + length tail
> In Prolog:
> length([], 0).
> length( [Head| Tail], N) :-  length(Tail, Naux),    N is (Naux - 1).
> and so on,..., some trick examples for syntax  familiarization.
> 2. The loops structures as you mentioned, and constraints (relations,
> simmetries,
>     ... reifed constraints, sliding constraints, regular constraints, etc)
>    Try to show some  principles from CP that are not  directly embeded in
> Functional Programming.
> 3. One example Cripto-example, as you mentioned, aiming the structure
> models in Eclipse.
> 4. Finally, a "killer example' such  stable marriage ... from Hakank
> or
> that's my contribution
> claudio
> 2015-01-27 6:13 GMT-02:00 Sergii Dymchenko <kit1980_at_...6...>:
>> Hello,
>> I will be running "Introduction to constraint logic programming" workshop
>> at LambdaConf (May
>> 22-24, Boulder CO).
>> This is a non-academic conference mostly about functional programming,
>> not logic programming, so I assume that most people there will not be very
>> familiar with Prolog.
>> I will use ECLiPSe for the workshop, probably  the ic library only.
>> The workshop duration is 2 hours. Currently I don't have an estimate how
>> many people will participate; my wild guess is 20.
>> I plan to give very brief and narrow Prolog introduction, explain ECLiPSe
>> loops, give some motivation for constraint programming vs Prolog, give one
>> or two very simple examples (like cryptarithmetic puzzles). Then I want to
>> ask the audience to model and solve (with my one-on-one help) either a
>> variant of the problem I explained, or some new simple problem that don't
>> have an ECLiPSe solution available on the Internet (
>> After that there should be some time to
>> present my "reference solution" to the problem.
>> My teaching experience is very limited.
>> Do you think the plan I described is feasible given the time constraints
>> and the audience? Any suggestions for the problems to use? Any other
>> suggestions?
>> -Sergii.
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> --
> Obrigado
> claudio
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