I found a problem in how pyclp builds terms for eclipse. Let's say I want to post the goal X is 2+3: import pyclp pyclp.init() X=pyclp.Var() goal=pyclp.Compound('is', X, pyclp.Compound('+', 2, 3)) print('goal: %s' % goal) goal.post_goal() ret,arg=pyclp.resume() print('X = %s' % X.value() if ret else 'goal failed') gives the expected output: goal: is(_,+(2,3)) X = 5 Now if I want to post the goal X is 0+3, I use the very same program as above, just replacing 2 with 0, and here's the output: goal: is(_,+(_,3)) X = None Apparently, 0 becomes a variable, which does not look correct. I thought that this was my mistake, and I should have been explicitly creating numbers with a pyclp constructor, but building the goal as: goal=pyclp.Compound('is', X, pyclp.Compound('+', pyclp.Term(0), pyclp.Term(3))) or as: goal=pyclp.Compound('is', X, pyclp.Compound('+', pyclp.Atom('0'), pyclp.Atom('3'))) yields to the same output: goal: is(_,+(_,3)) X = None Additionally, building the goal as: goal=pyclp.Compound('is', X, pyclp.Compound('+', '0', '3')) yields to a different stringification: goal: is(_,+("0","3")) X = None I'm not sure if "0" and "3" are truly strings, because in an interactive eclipse interpreter, I get those results instead: [eclipse 1]: X is 0 + 3. X = 3 Yes (0.00s cpu) [eclipse 2]: X is '0' + '3'. calling an undefined procedure '0'(_209) in module eclipse Abort [eclipse 3]: X is "0" + "3". number expected in +("0", "3", _281) Abort Some interesting facts from the python console: >>> str(pyclp.Atom('0')) '0' >>> str(pyclp.PList([1,0,1,0])) '[1,_,1,_]' >>> str(pyclp.PList(list(pyclp.Atom(str(x)) for x in [1,0,1,0]))) '[1,0,1,0]' I'm a bit puzzled, I think I will file a bug report to PyCLP Has anyone encountered this before?Received on Fri Dec 13 2013 - 10:45:16 CET
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