Hi All, I am attempting to create an interval tree data structure with eclipse-clp. You can see what one is at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_tree In a simple case, the intervals do not overlap and they can be inserted into a simple binary tree and queried in O(log n) time. The part of the code I have written already is this: empty(void). % Insert(+TreeIn, +Key, +Data, -TreeOut). % Insert data Data with key Key into the TreeIn. insert(void, K, D, (K, D, void, void)). insert((RK, RD, L, R), K, D, (RK, RD, TL, R)):- K _at_< RK, !, insert(L, K, D, TL). insert((RK, RD, L, R), K, D, (RK, RD, L, TR)):- insert(R, K, D, TR). select((K, D, _, _), K, D). select((RK, _, L, _), K, D):- K _at_< RK, !, select(L, K, D). select((_, _, _, R), K, D):- select(R, K, D). I then try the following goal: insert(void, 1, (1,5), Tree1), insert(Tree1, 8, (8,14), Tree2), select(Tree2, X, D), writeln(X), writeln(D). This gives output: Tree1 = 1, (1, 5), void, void Tree2 = 1, (1, 5), void, 8, (8, 14), void, void X = 1 D = 1, 5 Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 1, maybe more) No (0.02s cpu) Basically I inserted 2 nodes, one with a key value of 1 and a data value of an interval of [1..5], and a second node with key 8 and an interval of [8..14]. If I was trying to search for all intervals that intersect with the range [0..20] I am having a very hard time figuring out how to do this with prolog code. Any ideas? -TimReceived on Fri Dec 21 2007 - 05:40:01 CET
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