> Dear ECLiPSe users, > > This is just to remind all of you who haven't yet replied 'yes' to our > previous e-mail regarding Eclipse User Group, "EUG". > > As already mentioned in our previous e-mail the Groups purpose is to help > ECLiPSe users to build a community which can help and support individual > users and also let them influence the future development of ECLiPSe > itself. > > We have already received over 50 'YES' e-mails but would hope that many > more of you would join our Group! > Signing for EUG is easy, just reply to this e-mail and type 'YES' in the > message text. > > If you have any questions, or would like to know more about ECLiPSe User > Group please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. > > Kind regards, > > Henna Paivatie-Cleary > Co-ordinator, Eclipse User Group > hennap@parc-technologies.com > > > > > > > > > ------- You received this mail because you are on the mailing list eclipse-announce@icparc.ic.ac.uk. You are on this list either because you subscribed to it, or because you have obtained a license for ECLiPSe from us. To unsubscribe, see http://www.icparc.ic.ac.uk/eclipse/mailinglist.htmlReceived on Tue Jun 18 16:27:43 2002
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