Dear Users! ECLiPSe 5.4 is now available from our web site New in this version are: - first release of the new constraint visualisation tools (java_vc) - fully featured version of the new interval constraint solver (ic) - multiple instances API in the LP/MIP interface (eplex) - code coverage analysis tool (coverage) - port of John Fletcher's XML library (xml) and other features and enhancements. Incompatibilities with the previous release should be very minor. You can find more detailed release notes here Best regards, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joachim Schimpf / phone: +44 171 594 8187 IC-Parc, Imperial College / London SW7 2AZ, UK / ------- You received this mail because you are on the mailing list You are on this list either because you subscribed to it, or because you have obtained a license for ECLiPSe from us. To unsubscribe, see on Wed May 15 16:07:50 2002
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