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DCGDefinite Clause Grammars Harmonization ProposalLast edit jschimpf? October 20, 2016, at 12:42 AM We propose to de-facto-standardize Definite Clause Grammars in Prolog based on a reference implementation. Abbreviations used in the following:
Suggested reference implementation (=specification): Testing:
Other references:
Background: Discussion of Specific IssuesList as grammar headSP and ISOD treat this as nonterminal mapping to ./4: 912: [t]-->b '.'(t,[],A,B):-b(A,B) SWI makes an error. SUGGESTED RESOLUTION: error. COMMENT JS: I think the nonterminal interpretation is a mis-feature that exists by accident. In the context of DCGs a programmer expects a list to stand for a terminal sequence, and it is very unlikely that interpretation as a nonterminal is what the programmer wanted in the example. Even worse, when a pushback list is involved: [a,b], [c,d] --> [e,f]. even the two lists in the head mean different things: [a,b] is a nonterminal mapping to ./4, while [c,d] is a terminal sequence (like [e,f] in the body). COMMENT PM: Here SP treats ‘.’/2 as nothing special. I do not think we would object to changing SP to give an error. On the other hand, once we accept that —> is just a different syntax for ordinary clauses, it makes some sense that one would be allowed to define ‘.’/4 in this way, even though it can not be called using the DCG syntax ‘.’(…,…). Partial lists in bodySWI allows partial lists: 109: p-->[a,b|T],q(T) p(A,B):-'$append'([a,b|T],D,A),q(T,D,B) SP, ECL, ISOD don't support this. SUGGESTED RESOLUTION: do not allow. COMMENT JS: This strikes me as a mis-feature. The semantics isn't particularly intuitive, at least not to me. And it can be more clearly be expressed as p--> [a,b], terminals(T), q(T). terminals([]) --> []. terminals([C|Cs]) --> [C], terminals(Cs). Partial list as pushbackSWI also allows a partial list as pushback: p,[t|T]-->b(T) p(A,B):-b(T,A,C),'$append'([t|T],C,B) SP, ECL, ISOD don't support this. SUGGESTED RESOLUTION: do not allow COMMENT JS: Not sure about this, would like to hear opinions. Same effect can be achieved with: p --> b(T), pb([t|T]). pb([]) --> []. pb([C|Cs]), [C] --> pb(Cs). Treatment of {} in bodySWI recognizes {} as equivalent to {true}, rather than as nonterminal mapping to {}/2. Not done in ISOD, SP, ECL, where it maps to {}/2. SUGGESTED RESOLUTION: adopt SWI behaviour. COMMENT JS: I think this is a good idea, corresponding to programmer intuition. COMMENT PM: SICStus does not treat {}/0 specially in DCGs, and there is no built-in {}/2, so this will crash at runtime. I do not think {}/0 is traditional, but it certainly makes sense even though it may not be very useful. Vertical bar syntaxUnfortunately, this is a bit of a mess.
SUGGESTED RESOLUTION: Vertical bar must behave syntactically like an xfy infix operator of precedence between 1100 and 1109, we do not prescribe more than that. As a control construct on the right hand side of grammar rules, '|'(A,B) behaves exactly like ';'(A,B). COMMENT JS: I have in version 0.1-0.2 treated (a->b|c) as NOT equivalent to (a->b;c). The intention was not to accidentally introduce an if-then-else where none was intended. But as it is desirable to accommodate systems that map a|b to a;b, treating them as equivalent is preferable. Control constructs and meta-predicatesBackground on which constructs are recognized by existing systems/definitions:
Nobody seems to specially treat catch/3, findall/3, true/0. It must be possible for implementations to support additional constructs, the question is just what minimum to require from a standard. SUGGESTED RESOLUTION: Require only the traditionally undisputed control constructs: ,/2, ;/2, if-then-else, |/2, ->/2, !/0. Systems can implement more, but a grammar using anything else is not portable. COMMENT JS: I was inclined to include \+/1, but Attach:okeefe20140605.txt indicates that this is too controversial. Restrictions on the left-hand side
SUGGESTED RESOLUTION: adopt the SWI behaviour. COMMENT JS: I think it is reasonable to make an error for trying to define a nonterminal that cannot be used on a right-hand-side, as it is most likely a programmer error. Leaving the behaviour implementation-define is a bit pointless because it still means that grammars using such nonterminals are not portable. Module qualificationModule qualification m:p as a normal Prolog goal has different semantics in different module systems, e.g.
In particular, it is very different from If there is a single translation that works with both semantics, it should be preferred.
Module-qualifying a terminal-list makes no sense. This should either make an error, or the module silently ignored:
The meaning of module-qualifying the curly braces must be defined, it does not naturally follow from anything else. In an ECLiPSe-style system it is meaningless. In a Quintus-style system it is natural to propagate the module inward.
COMMENT PM: (...) it would be nice to mention modules in a way that does not conflict with ISO modules but also not with real module systems. |