% % ECLiPSe SAMPLE CODE % % AUTHOR: Joachim Schimpf, IC-Parc % % DESCRIPTION: A magic square of size N is an NxN square filled % with the numbers from 1 to N^2 such that the sums of % each row, each column and the two main diagonals are % equal. % % Some interesting goals: % % magic(4),fail. % all 880 solutions % magic(5). % magic(7). :- lib(ic). magic(N) :- NN is N*N, % number of square fields Sum is N*(NN+1)//2, % this is the magical sum printf("Sum = %d%n", [Sum]), dim(Square, [N,N]), % make the variables Square :: 1..NN, % their range alldifferent(concat(Square)), % they are all different ( for(I,1,N), foreach(U,UpDiag), foreach(D,DownDiag), param(N,Square,Sum) do Sum #= sum(Square[I,*]), % sum of row I Sum #= sum(Square[*,I]), % sum of column I U is Square[I,I], D is Square[I,N+1-I] ), Sum #= sum(UpDiag), % diagonal sums Sum #= sum(DownDiag), Square[1,1] #< Square[1,N], % symmetry removal Square[1,1] #< Square[N,N], Square[1,1] #< Square[N,1], Square[1,N] #< Square[N,1], % search heuristic: diagonals first, then the rest search(UpDiag,0,first_fail,indomain,complete,[]), search(DownDiag,0,first_fail,indomain,complete,[]), search(Square,0,first_fail,indomain,complete,[]), print_square(Square). % print result print_square(Square) :- dim(Square, [N,N]), ( for(I,1,N), param(N,Square) do ( for(J,1,N), param(I,Square) do Field is Square[I,J], printf("%3d", Field) ), nl ), nl.