- fzn_error(?, ?)
- No description available
- fzn_init(++SolverOrOptions, -FznState)
- Initialize a FlatZinc solver
- fzn_last(+FznState)
- Increments solutions count, and succeeds if last one reached
- fzn_load_stream(+ModelStream, -FznState)
- Load a FlatZinc model and set up its constraints
- fzn_obj_lookup(+FznState, -Obj)
- Find ECLiPSe term representing the Mini/FlatZinc model's objective
- fzn_output(+FznState)
- Perform a FlatZinc model's output actions
- fzn_run(+SolverOrOptions)
- Run a FlatZinc model from standard input
- fzn_run(+File, ++SolverOrOptions)
- Run a FlatZinc model from a given file
- fzn_run_stream(+Stream, ++SolverOrOptions)
- Run a FlatZinc model from a given open input stream
- fzn_search(+FznState)
- Run the search part of a FlatZinc model
- fzn_unsat(?)
- No description available
- fzn_var_lookup(+FznState, +Id, -Value)
- Find ECLiPSe term corresponding to Mini/FlatZinc identifier
- fzn_write(?, ?)
- No description available
- fzn_write(?, ?, ?, ?)
- No description available
- zn_options(?, ?)
- No description available
- struct zn_options(solver, fzn_tmp, output, optimize, parser, setup_prio, solutions, statistics, timeout, var_names, fzn_output, mzn_output)
- Options for Mini/FlatZinc solving
- struct zn_var(id, ann, type, group, eclvar, num)
- Descriptor for a Mini/FlatZinc variable
The core of this module is an interpreter for FlatZinc models, based on 'Specification of FlatZinc 1.0' (May 2009). It uses lib(flatzinc_parser) to read a FlatZinc model one item at a time, and immediately interprets it. The mapping from FlatZinc built-in operations to actual ECLiPSe solver operations is in separate modules called fzn_ic, fzn_fd, fzn_eplex, etc.
If you have a file containing a FlatZinc model, it can be loaded and executed from ECLiPSE by calling
?- fzn_run("model.fzn", fzn_ic).where model.fzn is the file name (the .fzn extension can be omitted) and fzn_ic is the name of the chosen solver mapping. It is also possible to read a model from the standard input using fzn_run/1, or from an arbitrary ECLiPSe input stream using fzn_run_stream/2. If finer control is needed, the processing of a FlatZinc model can be split up into initialization, loading and constraint-set-up, search, and output. The primitives that perform these steps are exported and can be invoked separately, e.g.
my_fzn_run_stream(ModelStream, Options) :- % initialize the solver state fzn_init(Options, State), % load the model and set up the constraints fzn_load_stream(ModelStream, State), % perform the search fzn_search(State), % output solution, if found fzn_output(State).
Note that FlatZinc is not intended to be written by humans, but created by translating models written in Zinc or MiniZinc. A translator for MiniZinc to FlatZinc called mzn2fzn is available at http://www.g12.csse.unimelb.edu.au/minizinc
The use of an intermediate FlatZinc file can be avoided by piping the result of the MiniZinc to FlatZinc converter directly into the ECLiPSe-FlatZinc interpreter, e.g. via
% mzn2fzn --output-to-stdout model.mzn | eclipse -e "flatzinc:fzn_run(fzn_ic)"The file lib/fzn_ic/globals.mzn contains specialised global constraint definitinions for the use of fzn_ic. For alternative ways to run MiniZinc models, see library(minizinc).
The mapping from FlatZinc built-in operations to actual ECLiPSe solver
operations is defined in separate modules called fzn_ic, fzn_eplex, etc.
To add a new mapping, create a new module file called fzn_xxx.ecl, and
place it in your library_path.
These modules should export predicates corresponding to the "built-in"
operations defined by FlatZinc, i.e.
int_lin_le/3, float_times/3,
etc. See the FlatZinc specification for a complete list.
In addition to those, we require the following interface predicates:
For initialising variables:
int_declare(-var, +list),
int_declare(-var, +min, +max),
float_declare(-var, +min, +max),
set_declare(-var, +min, +max),
set_declare(-var, +list)
For initialising arrays:
int_declare_array(-array, +list),
int_declare_array(-array, +min, +max),
float_declare_array(-array, +min, +max),
set_declare_array(-array, +min, +max),
set_declare_array(-array, +list)
For invoking search:
minimize(+objective, +annotations, -cost),
maximize(+objective, +annotations, -cost)
For converting constants in the Zinc model to the appropriate solver
type in ECLiPSe (e.g. floats to breals when using lib(ic)):
bool_fzn_to_solver(+atom, -bool),
bool_solver_to_fzn(+bool, -atom),
float_fzn_to_solver(+float, -real),
float_solver_to_fzn(+real, -float),
set_fzn_to_solver(+list, -set),
set_solver_to_fzn(+set, -list),
range_fzn_to_solver(+min, +max, -set).