Plots the data to a file as Postscript (by default).
Can either be a list or a nested list of a 1D or 2D array of y values or x-y points.
The output format can be changed either by explicitly setting the 'terminal' variable using the 'set' option, or by calling plot/4.
Syntax note: wherever gnuplot expects a string as an option value, use a double-quoted ECLiPSe string - unquoted or single-quoted atoms will not work!.
% multiple t-r pairs, in polar coordinates with a grid and lines, into % a postscript file ?- A=[[1-3,5-2,9-2,8-2,5-7], [1-2,5-4,8-6,9-1,12-4]], plot(A,[set:[polar, grid=polar], with:lines], "").