- X #/\ Y
- X #<== Y
- X #<==> Y
- X #==> Y
- #\ Y
- X #\/ Y
- all_different(+Vars)
- all_distinct(+Vars)
- chain(+Vars,+Relation)
- cumulative(+Tasks,+Options)
- fd_dom(?Var,-Dom)
- fd_inf(?Var,-Min)
- fd_size(?Var,-Size)
- fd_sup(?Var,-Max)
- fd_var(?Var)
- global_cardinality(+Vars,+Pairs)
- global_cardinality(+Vars,+Pairs,+Options)
- ?Var in +Domain
- ?Vars ins +Domain
- label(+Vars)
- labeling(+Options, +Vars)
- lex_chain(+Lists)
- scalar_product(+Csts,+Vars,+Rel,?Expr)
- serialized(+Starts,+Durations)
- sum(+Vars,+Rel,?Expr)
- transpose(+Rows,+Cols)
- tuples_in(+Tuples,+Relation)
- zcompare(?Rel,?X,?Y)
- reexport #= / 2 from ic
- reexport #\= / 2 from ic
- reexport #>= / 2 from ic
- reexport #=< / 2 from ic
- reexport #> / 2 from ic
- reexport #< / 2 from ic
- reexport circuit / 1 from ic
- reexport indomain / 1 from ic
- export op(450, xfx, ..)
- export op(250, yfx, ?)
- export op(700, xfx, in)
- export op(700, xfx, ins)
- export op(760, yfx, #<==>)
- export op(750, yfx, #<==)
- export op(750, yfx, #==>)
- export op(720, yfx, #/\)
- export op(740, yfx, #\/)
- export op(710, fy, #\)
This library implements the syntax of M.Triska's clpfd library (and to some degree SICStus's clpfd library) on top of ECLiPSe's library(ic). Its features can be freely mixed with library(ic).