Re: Creating a Graph

From: Joachim Schimpf <>
Date: Mon 14 May 2001 01:44:11 PM GMT
Message-ID: <>
Manuel Weindorf wrote:
> Question: How to create a array from a list ??

Eclipse uses the convention that an array is just a structure
with the funny functor '[]', for example:

	WeekDayArray = [](mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa,su)

You can therefore use the =../2 predicate to convert between
lists and these arrays:

array_list(Array, List) :-
	Array =.. [[]|List].

> how can I create a graph (of the library(graph_algorithms)) from the
> following facts
> node( 1, some, attributes, ... ).
> node( 2, some, attributes, ...).
> etc.
> edge( 1, 1, 2 ).    % that means -> edge( EdgeID, FromNode, ToNode ).
> edge( 2, 2, 3 ).
> etc.
> I guess I should use the 'make_graph_symbolic()' predicate, but I couldn't
> figure aout hoe to create the nodes_arrayaout of my facts :-(

Since your nodes are already numbered from 1..N, you can use
the simpler predicate make_graph/3, which means you don't need
the node array at all.

If you have the edge facts given in the above form, you will
have to use findall/3 to make the list of edges:

	findall(e(From,To,EdgeId), edge(EdgeID,From,To), EdgeList),
	make_graph(MaxNodeNum, EdgeList, Graph),

 Joachim Schimpf              /             phone: +44 20 7594 8187
 IC-Parc, Imperial College   /  
 London SW7 2AZ, UK         /
Received on Mon May 14 14:45:44 2001

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