Re: [eclipse-clp-users] On stating a strange constraint

From: Panagiotis Stamatopoulos <takis_at_...90...>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 16:12:42 +0300
Hi Joachim,

First one is slightly more efficient than the second in my case.


On 29-Mar-23 11:20 AM, Joachim Schimpf via ECLiPSe-CLP-Users wrote:
> On 27/03/2023 10:51, Marco Gavanelli wrote:
>> Anyway, what about:
>> L[0] = 1
>> forall i>0
>>      L[i] <= maxlist(L[0..(i-1)]) + 1
>> ?
>> I hope the intuition is clear, with L[0..(1-i)] I mean the sublist of 
>> the first i elements of the list L.
> Here are two implementations, one of which may be faster in your 
> circumstances.
> % version using max(List)
> precede1(Xs) :-
>          eval_to_array(Xs, Xz),
>          arity(Xz, N),
>          Xz #:: 1..N,
>          Xz[1] #= 1,
>          ( for(I,2,N), param(Xz) do
>              Xz[I] #=< max(Xz[1..I-1]) + 1
>          ).
> % incremental version using max(Xi,Xj)
> precede2(Xs) :-
>          eval_to_array(Xs, Xz),
>          arity(Xz, N),
>          Xz #:: 1..N,
>          ( foreacharg(X,Xz), fromto(0,Max1,Max2,_) do
>              X #=< Max1 + 1,
>              Max2 #= max(Max1,X)
>          ).
> -- Joachim
Received on Wed Mar 29 2023 - 13:12:58 CEST

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