[eclipse-clp-users] Logtalk 3.59.0 released

From: Paulo Moura <pmoura_at_...342...>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 14:56:53 +0100

Logtalk 3.59.0 is now available for downloading at:


This release adds a new linter warning for naked meta-variables; adds linter warnings to the "lgtdoc" tool; updates the Bash shell integration scripts to be aware of the default Homebrew installation directory on macOS; updates all PowerShell scripts to check for a compatible PowerShell version; improves several Handbook sections; improves the documentation of the "random" and "types" libraries; includes fixes for the "logtalk_tester.ps1" script; updates the "lgtunit" tool to print a warning on invalid test options; fixes "lgtdoc" issues; updates and adds new Prolog standards compliance tests; adds new library predicates; and includes portability updates for Ciao Prolog and SICStus Prolog.

For details and a complete list of changes, please consult the release notes at:


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Happy logtalking!

Paulo Moura
Logtalk developer
Received on Tue Oct 18 2022 - 14:04:30 CEST

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