[eclipse-clp-users] Con we do labeling/indomain with bigger numbers?

From: Jeshan Babooa <j_at_...435...>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 15:40:28 +0000
I understood that there are certain limits concerning number ranges when using IC.
e.g X #= 2 ^ 55, indomain(X).
gives: out of range in indomain(X{36028797018963964 .. 36028797018963976})

This works fine in other systems like Scryer and SWI.

I was hoping to be able to label numbers of up to 2 ^ 128.
Could this somehow work in Eclipse? hopefully in a way that doesn't need code editing?

We could use several smaller integers to label them but that would meaning labelling a huge number of integers.

I thought to take a look at the code and In ic.c, I saw that MAX_BITMAP_RANGE could have something to do with it. When I increase it, it takes really long to label just X #= 2^64.

So how should we label bigger integers?

Received on Wed Apr 13 2022 - 15:56:44 CEST

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