[eclipse-clp-users] Segmentation fault — Cygwin + win10

From: Manu goswami <manugoswami_at_...32...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 10:51:19 +0000
Hi developers,

I have been building and using eclipse clp in Cygwin win 10 but suddenly eclipse.exe has started to return ‘segmentation fault’

On checking with gdb error is at ec_mark_did (d=0xffffffff00000000) at /src//dict.c:1088

This is extremely surprising and came from nowhere. There was no change in code or the Cygwin environment. Also build is successful each time but execution fails.

Kindly help to resolve most urgently.

Warm regards,


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Received on Thu Jul 29 2021 - 11:06:02 CEST

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