[eclipse-clp-users] How to compile eclipse under Debian:bullseye with Coin-OR

From: Vasily Kartashov <info_at_...430...>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2021 19:36:23 +1000

Do you have detailed step by step instructions for compiling eclipse + eplex under debian. I am working on a `Dockerfile`, but

1) it’s not clear which coinor packages are required
2) how to make eclipse aware of them

Currently the Dockerfile looks like this

FROM debian:bullseye AS builder

RUN apt update && \
    apt install -y \
        build-essential \
        libgmp-dev \
        tcl-dev \
        tk-dev \
        git \
        coinor-libcbc-dev \
        coinor-libcgl-dev \
        coinor-libclp-dev \
        coinor-libdylp-dev \

WORKDIR /eclipse

RUN git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/eclipse-clp/git .

RUN ./configure \
    --with-osi \
    --without-cplex \
    --without-xpress \
    --without-gurobi \
    --without-gfd \
    --without-java \
    --without-flexlm \
    --without-graphviz \
    --without-mysql \
RUN make -f Makefile.x86_64_linux install
RUN make -f Makefile.x86_64_linux install_documents

FROM debian:bullseye-slim

COPY --from=builder /eclipse/bin/x86_64_linux/eclipse /usr/local/bin/eclipse
COPY --from=builder /eclipse/lib /eclipse/lib
COPY --from=builder /eclipse/lib_public /eclipse/lib_public

ENTRYPOINT [ "eclipse” ]
Received on Fri Jul 16 2021 - 09:50:24 CEST

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