Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Fwd: How to build and

From: koyahata <koyahata_at_...432...>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2021 01:03:57 +0900
Thanks for replying,

Tcl8.6 is already in my machine but ./configure need 8.3 ,8.4,or 8.5.
Because it seems difficult to downgrade my tcl8.6, I tried the 
procedures below:
1)make directory named /vol/Eclipse/thirdparty/
into this directory
3)uncompressed it and rename this folder to tcltk8.5
4)do "export ECLIPSTHIRDPARTY=/vol/Eclipse/thirdparty/"
5)./configure can find proper tcltk library

I posted whole of my building procedures into my blog

Taku Koyahata

On 2021/06/17 22:37, Kish Shen wrote:
>> Are there any special procedure for building
>> "" and ""?
> I suspect the reason tkeclipse was not built is because Tcl/Tk was not
> found during configure.
> Search the output produce during figure for 'Tcl' - if Tcl/Tk was
> found, you should see something like:
> configure: Using Tcl 8.5 in /usr/local
> if configure did not find Tcl/Tk, this can be because you don't have
> it installed on your system, or there can be other reasons.
> You can check if you have Tcl/Tk installed by running Tk with the wish
> command from your shell:
> bash-3.2$ wish
> % echo $tcl_version
> 8.5
> % exit
> bash-3.2$
> if you are able to run Tcl, print the Tcl version as I did above - it
> may be your Tcl version is not one that configure looks for.
> Cheers,
> Kish
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