[eclipse-clp-users] Compiling with Java >= 8

From: Vasily Kartashov <info_at_...430...>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 10:16:13 +1000

I am not sure how to submit pull requests with sourceforge, so here it goes. For JDK >= 8 the “javah” has been removed in favour of "javac -h”, so the last rule in JavaInterface/Makefile.in should probably read:

com_parctechnologies_eclipse_NativeEclipse.h : ./src/com/parctechnologies/eclipse/NativeEclipse.java 
	"$(JAVA_BIN)/javac" ./src/com/parctechnologies/eclipse/NativeEclipse.java -h .

Received on Fri Jun 04 2021 - 00:34:46 CEST

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