Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Errors when trying to build 7.0#37 from sources on macOS 10.13.3 (High Sierra)

From: Paulo Moura <pmoura_at_...342...>
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2018 23:48:36 +0000

> On 3 Feb 2018, at 19:42, Joachim Schimpf <jschimpf_at_...311...> wrote:
> On 03/02/18 15:26, Paulo Moura wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to build 7.0#37 from sources on macOS 10.13.3 (High Sierra):
> ...
>> unimplemented functionality in integer_list(9007474139725823, 31, _404977)
> This is caused by building without bignum support (GMP or MPIR library):
> the compiler can then not process clauses with too many environment variables.
> The current configure script will look for gmp/mpir in
> $ECLIPSETHIRDPARTY/{gmp4.2,gmp4.1,mpir1.3.1}/$ECLIPSEARCH/{lib,include}

Why such a odd location for third-party software? macOS users usually use either MacPorts or Homebrew for installing third-party software like GMP. MacPorts install on /opt/local. Homebrew install on /usr/local. I use MacPorts and tried several variants:

export ECLIPSETHIRDPARTY=/opt/local
export ECLIPSETHIRDPARTY=/opt/local/lib
export ECLIPSETHIRDPARTY=/opt/local/include

each after a make -f Makefile.$ECLIPSEARCH clean but got the same errors.  I'm also at:

$ port info gmp
gmp _at_6.1.2_1 (devel, math)

Are the old 4.1/4.2 versions required?

> or, failing this, try to use a system-wide installed one by linking with -lgmp

How exactly?

Does anyone in this mailing list succeeded to install ECLiPSE 7.x on macOS? If so, can you share the exact steps?


Paulo Moura
Logtalk developer
Received on Sat Feb 03 2018 - 23:48:48 CET

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