[eclipse-clp-users] This mailing list

From: Joachim Schimpf <jschimpf_at_...311...>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2017 15:25:30 +0100
Dear ECLiPSe-CLP users,

The ECLiPSe project uses SourceForge to host its source repository
and to operate its mailing lists.

You have recently received (or will receive in the next days)
an email from Sourceforge.net <notices_at_...416...>
asking you to reconfirm your subscription to the mailing list


Please perform this reconfirmation, otherwise you will not
receive future mailings via this list!

[The confirmation seems necessary for legal reasons, explained in

Thanks for your attention,

Joachim Schimpf
ECLiPSe maintainer
Received on Sat Jun 10 2017 - 14:25:39 CEST

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