Re: [eclipse-clp-users] List to arrays

From: Annick Fron <list_at_...407...>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 16:01:19 +0200

	Your mail helped me a lot.
	I rewrote the program , but got some problems to define that all columns must be different. I wrote something, but which gives me sometimes the same columns.
What is wrong with it ?

	Best regards

%:- lib(matrix_util).
:- import sequence/4 from ic_global_gac.
:- import alldifferent_matrix/1 from ic_global_gac.

essai(N,Span,Matrix) :-

   Nb is (N*(N-1)//2),

  ( for(J,1,N), param(Matrix,Nb,Span) do

  ( for(I,1,Nb), param(Matrix,N) do
      sum(Matrix[I,1..N]) #= 2
  array_flat(1, Matrix, Vars),

   (for(I,1,Nb),param(M,N,Nb) do
       Col1 is M[I],
       Iplus1 is I + 1,
       (for(J,Iplus1,Nb),param(M,Col1,N) do
           Col2 is M[J],

equalcol(X,Y,N):-dim(X,[N]),dim(Y,[N]),X#::0..1, Y#::0..1,
( for(J,1,N),param(X,Y) do A is X[J], B is Y[J], A#=B).

Le 29 juin 2016 à 03:54, Joachim Schimpf <jschimpf_at_...311...> a écrit :

> On 28/06/16 15:04, Annick Fron wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 	I have made progress in my program.
>> I have almost a solution, but I would need to use :
>> alldifferent_matrix on the columns, but I can’t find what type is expected.
> alldifferent_matrix/1 takes a matrix (2-dimensional array)
> and places alldifferent/1 constraints on its rows AND columns.
> So "alldifferent_matrix on the columns" does not make sense.
> I would anyway recommend that you use individual alldifferent/1
> constraints instead of alldifferent_matrix/1 (it is a prototype that
> currently works only for special cases like square matrices).
> Some further recommendations:
> Do not use lib(matrix_util), it is an old library from the times
> before ECLiPSe supported arrays properly.  It represents matrices
> as lists of lists, which is hardly ever convenient.  Use dim/2
> to create matrices (arrays of arrays).
> It is seldom necessary to convert between lists and arrays.
> Most constraints, and predicates like labeling/1, accept both.
> This would be a more compact version of your code:
> essai(N,Span,M) :-
>    Nb is N*(N-1)//2,
>    dim(M, [Nb,N]),
>    M #:: 0..1,
>    ( for(J,1,N), param(M,Nb,Span) do
>        sequence(0,1,Span,M[1..Nb,J])
>    ),
>    ( for(I,1,Nb), param(M,N) do
>        sum(M[I,1..N]) #= 2
>    ),
>    array_flat(1, M, Vars),
>    labeling(Vars).
> Cheers,
> Joachim
>> :-lib(ic).
>> :-lib(ic_global).
>> :-lib(listut).
>> :-lib(lists).
>> :-lib(arrays).
>> :- lib(matrix_util).
>> :- import sequence/4 from ic_global_gac.
>> :- import alldifferent_matrix/1 from ic_global_gac.
>> essai(N,Span,Cols,Rows) :-
>>    Nb is (N*(N-1)//2),
>>    matrix(Nb,N,Rows,Cols),
>>    (foreach(XList,Cols),param(Span) do
>>        array_list(X,XList),
>>        dim(X,[Nb]),
>>        X #::0..1,
>>        sequence(0,1,Span,X)
>>    ),
>>    (foreach(RowList,Rows),param(N) do
>>        array_list(Row,RowList),
>>            dim(Row,[N]),
>>            Row #:: 0..1,
>>            sum(Row[1..N]) #= 2
>>    ),
>>    (foreach(RowList,Rows),param(N) do
>>    array_list(Row,RowList),
>>    labeling(Row))
>> .
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Received on Thu Jun 30 2016 - 14:17:29 CEST

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