Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Checking for existing clauses without dynamic definition?

From: Paulo Moura <pmoura_at_...342...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 01:59:44 +0100
On 11/06/2014, at 19:50, Gesche Gierse <gierse_at_...358...> wrote:

> Thanks for the help, that solution works out fine.
> However it raises another questions: I need to store those dynamic
> predicates in different files (want to use some with different modules
> and avoid copy&paste). Furthermore I want to load that definitions only
> with a single import/use_module call.
> When I load these predicates with
> :- ['outsourced_predicates']
> the solution below does not detect the predicates defined in
> "outsourced_predicates" (they seem to be unfindable for "clause").
> I hacked that by defining a module "outsourced_predicates", which has a
> tool predicate "assert_preds", that asserts everything to the calling
> module:
> :- export assert_preds/0.
> :- tool(assert_preds/0, assert_preds/1).
> assert_preds(M) :- call(assert(..))_at_M.
> That works, but I have to call the predicate "assert_preds" explicitly.
> I would rather like to call it implicitly at import time. Therefore I tried
> :- export initialization((outsourced_predicates : assert_preds))
> However, then "clause" does not detect the asserted predicates.
> Do you have any idea how I could use definitions from different files
> such that "clause" can find all of them in one module and that only one
> import command is needed?

Lookup the documentation on multifile predicates.



> On 2014-05-29 13:20, Joachim Schimpf wrote:
>> On 29/05/2014 11:48, Marco Gavanelli wrote:
>>> Dear Gesche,
>>> Maybe you could use abolish/1 to remove the dynamic predicate and then 
>>> use compile_term/1 to re-add the predicate in compiled form.
>>> Example:
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [eclipse 1]: assert(p:-q).
>>> Yes (0.00s cpu)
>>> [eclipse 2]: compile_term(q).
>>> loaded in 0.00 seconds
>>> ...
>>> loaded in 0.05 seconds
>>> Yes (0.05s cpu)
>>> [eclipse 3]: clause(p,X).
>>> X = q
>>> Yes (0.00s cpu)
>>> [eclipse 4]: abolish(p/0).
>>> Yes (0.00s cpu)
>>> [eclipse 5]: p.
>>> calling an undefined procedure p in module eclipse
>>> Abort
>>> [eclipse 6]: compile_term(p:-q).
>>> Yes (0.00s cpu)
>>> [eclipse 7]: clause(p,X).
>>> procedure not dynamic in clause(p, X) in module eclipse
>>> Abort
>>> [eclipse 8]: p.
>>> Yes (0.00s cpu)
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Correct.  Here is a little utility that does everything:
>> :- tool(dynamic_to_static/1, dynamic_to_static_/2).
>> dynamic_to_static_(F/N, Module) :-
>> 	functor(Head, F, N),
>> 	findall(Head:-Body, clause(Head, Body), Clauses)_at_Module,
>> 	abolish(F/N)_at_Module,
>> 	compile_term(Clauses)_at_Module.
>> ?- assert(p(111)), assert(p(222)).
>> Yes (0.00s cpu)
>> ?- dynamic_to_static(p/1).
>> Yes (0.00s cpu)
>> ?- is_dynamic(p/1).
>> No (0.00s cpu)
>> ?- p(X).
>> X = 111
>> Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 1, maybe more)
>> X = 222
>> Yes (0.02s cpu, solution 2)
>> -- Joachim
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Time is money. Stop wasting it! Get your web API in 5 minutes.
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Paulo Moura
Logtalk developer

Email: <mailto:pmoura_at_...342...>
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Received on Thu Jun 12 2014 - 01:15:45 CEST

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